Kire and Narda chuckled at the mention of herbs. “Very welcome,” Kire said, before Envy explained where Lithilote was. [i]More elves.[/i] Kire remembered the conversation she had with Ruli about the Moon God and his children, and as Envy described the Raielwen people, she wondered how they would have treated him. Kire also realized he may not have been alone when he disappeared. Would the suspicious elves have shot him on sight? Would they have seen his presence as provocation? Would they take care of him, or treat him like a prisoner? She steeled herself from spiraling down into further assumptions and handed Envy the pin. “Many occasions,” she explained. “He’d been Captain for decades.” She frowned when they spoke in Elvish. [i]That can’t be good.[/i] When the two men started talking about how best to go about the trace, and what they would need for it to work better, Narda frowned with a grunt. “[i]Blood magic,[/i],” she muttered in Taakalon. Kire raised a hand at her. “It’s fine, Nard. It’s for Ed, and I trust them.” She did give a look to Ruli that said [i]do not fuck this up[/i] before extending a hand to him. “Just a drop, right?”