AW 0015 Ruins of London 921 hours. "[color=8dc73f]Point A is clear, Send in the scavengers.[/color]" Gabriel reported after scouting an old section of London his people had yet to search. It was a foggy day, but his scanners didn't pick up anything out of the ordinary and the area had been clear of bandits for about a month now, so Gabriel didn't have any significant worries. "[color=00aeef]Rodger that X, moving to Point A now, head to Point B and we will catch up soon.[/color]" One of the Scavengers, Alfred by the voice, replied to Gabriel. "[color=8dc73f]Copy that moving to Point B, find us something useful these old ruins are still depressing and I would like to spend a few days out of them.,[/color]" Gabriel replied before sighing, "[color=8dc73f]God I hate that nickname, X.... Just because I use a GX doesn't mean I need to be reminded....[/color]" He said to himself knowing the comn was off, and even if it wasn't it was something they hadn't heard before. But with the all clear Gabriel moved forward deeper into the ruins toward the second Scavenge point for the day. Everything was playing out just like a regular day, useful materials were being salvaged to help the community, The bandits seemed to be chased out of the area for now, and if things kept on going as they were, Gabriel would be able to call it quits soon. But just as he made it half way to Point B a distress signal appeared on his radar. "[color=8dc73f]Hey Salvage team heads up, I just picked up a distress beacon up north. I am going to go check it out, Keep an eye out.[/color]" He relayed back to the scavenge team before redirecting his course to investigate the beacon. Gabriel didn't even register a response before things started to get fuzzy and he blacked out. ---- Unknown Location Some time later Gabriel awoke with a jump still inside his GX "[color=8dc73f]What happened to me?[/color]" he asked out loud knowing no response would come. After shaking off the last remaining bits of drowsiness Gabriel's head started to clear up. It was then that he felt the presence of another Newtype somewhere near by. "[color=8dc73f]Now that isn't good, I don't know of any Newtypes anywhere nearby us...[/color]" He continued talking to himself as he started to run a diagnostic check on his G-X. With everything still showing a green Gabriel readied himself before heading in the direction of the other Newtype. On the way it became obvious he wasn't in England anymore the buildings looked Japanese not English, and more even more surprising everything looked to intact to be from the Earth Gabriel knew. As he moved he didn't know weather of not to try and conceal his movements, eventually deciding to forgo it go in peacefully, but be ready to fight if needed. He had run into many more scavengers than bandits recently so odds were in his favor. As he moved into what seemed to be a fortress Gabriel saw more strange things, A mobile suit design that he had never seen before, and some sort of flying fortress also very unfamiliar. As he approached weapons holstered Gabriel sent out an open comn line. "[color=8dc73f]Hail over there, Could you possibly help a fellow out? I seem to be a bit lost.[/color]" He said while moving forward. his hands gripping the controls of his suit in anticipation constantly surveying for something to go wrong.