[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/z6cC6JC.png[/img][/center] Glancing at this present, Alicia would admit she was not all that surprised the more rag-tag group did not have anything to add to the preparations. They did seem more like extra muscle, compared to someone with a vested interest in the outcome of this operation. She just hoped they wouldn't prove to be a problem later on. That Laughing Girl seemed like she would be an issue, for one. There was one other arrival, but given who it was Alicia did not pay attention. It was mostly because she was distracted by a message from Rachel regarding information that she had learned. [color=aba000]"Well, who could possibly have guessed that one?"[/color] she muttered to herself. Seriously, did Justine know any other tricks, or was mind control her go to for everything? Thinking as much, she returned to the situation at hand as Justine laid out her thoughts. It seemed they would be splitting up, with one group outside to draw Mariette's attention and another to duck into her mansion when she was busy. It would still be really dangerous, but that was a given on this mission. And it seemed almost natural that she'd be part of the infiltration team while Justine put on a show outside. [color=aba000]"Alright,"[/color] she agreed with a nod. Looking to the others, her gaze fell upon one person in particular. [color=aba000]"Aurelio, you go with Sally and Kimble. Watch their backs."[/color] Of course that was not the only reason for her decision, but she would keep that to herself. They needed to have someone who could provide a buff when the time after Mariette was defeated came. Justine would not be able to escape so easily. Alicia then looked to the remainder of her group. [color=aba000]"I'd like the rest of you with me. Even with the distraction, any entrance leading directly into the building is likely to be heavily guarded.[/color] Beacon was not about to walk into a slaughter without using every asset they could to avoid it. That left one other question, inspired by what Rachel had told her. If they did this then Beacon was not going to blindly march in like they did the first time around. She had a strong hand here, and she intended to use it. [color=aba000]"So who are they?"[/color] she asked gesture, a sweeping gesture moving from the Red Nest members, and moving to the shadowy figures behind their vampire hostess as well. [color=aba000]"If we're going to fight alongside these people, I'd at least like to know who it is I'm supposed to be trusting with my life."[/color] Ronin's group had already introduced themselves, so there was no need to retread old ground. With her Light spec, she would know if Justine was lying, so if there was no answer at all then they were going to have 'problems'..... One way or another, she would find out if her suspicions were right. [sub][@Shifter_Master][@Ariamis][@ERode][@Ponn][@PlatinumSkink][@Crusader Lord][@Majoras End][@AtomicNut][/sub]