It wasn't long until Kaitlyn was on her way to the venue. The Evo was purring gently as she rolled behind Max's Skyline. Despite the car having a mere four cylinder engine the size of a bottle of soda, the engine was more than capable of producing some serious power. Kaitlyn had nearly six hundred horsepower underneath the carbon fiber hood of her car. Combined with the weight saving measures she took (while maintaining the interior of her car, because she still wanted to enjoy amenities such as air conditioning or the radio -- because sometimes the droning of an engine drove her nuts, especially in her everyday day-to-day commute down freeways. Hearing your car drone on for so long really got to you, and sometimes music was the best solution. A bit later, they'd finally arrived at the destination, seeing some cars she wasn't expecting to see around her. Kaitlyn was expecting to see some exotic cars, like a few Lamborghinis or Ferraris with drivers who thought they were hot shit just because they bought a fast car. Kaitlyn had more to be concerned about with what she saw. If they were brave enough to enter with cars like the ones she'd been seeing, then they were either really stupid and were likely to endanger everyone around them on the road, or they were worth their weight in gold and were formidable opponents. Either way, Kaitlyn was no stranger to the challenge, and was down to deal with whatever was thrown at her. Kaitlyn parked behind Max, shutting off her car to let it rest before she would be pushing it to its limits not too much later. She sat in her BRIDE bucket seat, ready for the lady to present the route to her and get onto racing. She rested her head against her hand, which was propped up against the doorsill as she eyed the lady walk on over to Kaitlyn, prompting her to get ready and take her phone out. Taking the device out, Kaitlyn only rolled down the window, before scanning the QR code, which prompted her map application to open up. Kaitlyn gave a quick thanks to the lady, before rolling the window up. Based on her first glance, the race looked like it was suited for all sorts of cars. There were high speed sections for those cars that were good at it to excel, and technical sections for cars like hers to excel. Kaitlyn studied the route, wondering where exactly she could get the most out of her car and show just what she was capable of.