Matt threw the RGZ-91 through another series of tight manoeuvers. Full throttle on all thrusters from the backpack, before abruptly flipping orientation and braking. He spun on the spot using AMBAC maneuvering, the suits' sensors easily locking onto the nearest stationary target and ripping off a burst of fire from the Re-GZ's head vulcans, tracers drawing vibrant lines through the darkness of space. A flick of the controls threw the mobile suit's left arm out and blasted off a pair of rocket-propelled grenades into another target, before he blasted away into a weaving, high-speed pattern of moves, rinsing the mobile suits' flight computers through a demanding routine. "That looks good, Matt," the voice of the flight controller came through the speakers in his normal suits' helmet. "Telemetry from the latest set of manoeuvers looks good; tightening up the response time from the vernier thrusters in the right leg seems like it was a good call. You can head on back now". "Roger that, control," he replied as he throttled back, letting the suit drift with its' momentum, spinning to face the distant gleam that marked the control ship. "I'm returning-" he cut off as a warbling chirp from the Re-GZ's sensors interrupted him. The machine had picked up something unusual, some kind of electromagnetic disturbance that was growing in intensity. "Control, I'm picking up some unusual interference, some kind of signal. I'm moving to investigate, over" The reply was muted and choppy with static, and he pressed one gloved hand to the side of his helmet with a frown, trying to pick out words as he spun to face the direction of the interference as it grew closer. He fed a little thrust into the RGX-91's engines and moved closer. At once, the suits' warnings sounded, warbling alerts flashing up. At the same instant, pressure grew in his head, a throbbing headache building from behind his eyes and pounding against his skull. His vision swam and he physically reeled, shuddering in his seat. Shimmering double vision clouded his sight and the speakers of his helmet blasted static, the displays of the suit throwing our alert after alert, as the pressure in his skull grew to a roaring pounding... and then blackness washed over him as a relief. [b]Some Time Later, Somewhere Else...[/b] Consciousness returned with a jolt, and a brief shout of some unremembered dream or memory. Matt gasped in air, through the now-open shield of his helmet. The cockpit of the Re-GZ hummed comofortably around him, with no trace of the earlier signal. He rubbed one hand across his face, chasing away the last bits of drowsiness and disorientation before he turned his attention to the Re-GZ. The mobile suits' displays showed that he was no longer in space, something that he couldn't account for. He didn't recognise his surroundings either. In the distance, a tall building that looked Chinese or Japanese in origin rose, and closer by were what looked like the functional, drab shapes of military buildings and structures. More interesting still were the two mobile suits and a ship of some kind that showed up on the suits' sensors. None of them matched anything familiar enough to make an identification, but there was nothing else around to make contact with, no signs of any known frequencies or signals. With no signs of other life, Matt made the decision to head toward the other mobile suits.