hi here is my secret OC thank u [hider=Maxwell "Maxi" Thompson] [center] [b][26? | Maxwell "Maxi" Thompson | Male][/b] [b]Description:[/b] Maxi is semi-athletically built, standing around 5ft 9in, and of average weight. This young black man very easily blends into a crowd with his average looks. He's become one of Mariah's "housemates"-- having met her at the age of 18 on the road from Southern Georgia to Florida. They've been through a few things, most notably having survived an explosion at the rail yard together. He and Mariah dance together and he often works sound, lights, or as a backup dancer for her. He's mild tempered, often rolls his eyes and sighs, and has a thick Alabama accent, with some 'good ol' boy' manners, with a preference to laugh and lighten the mood, while helping his friends. [b]Extra-Normal Ability:[/B] [hider=Shh It's A Secret] [i]Abscised -- The Gandy Dancer[/i] A young "Laborer" ([s]freed slave[/s] prisoner forced into labor) that had been used to build southern traveling railways, back in the early 1870's, that was "lost"([s]murdered[/s] executed by the [s]slave driver[/s] prison warden), while constructing the railway. Oddly, he seems content to live life as a mortal, and his powers are yet to be truly revealed. When he is upset the low hum of spirituals and jingling chains slowly builds, carrying with it an unnaturally hot southern wind, which brings the smell of decayed flesh, dried blood, and sea-water...[/hider] [/center][/hider]