[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/694696263320469506/709363233571471404/73beffd474711e17fcee32d1840a3426.png[/img] [hr] As much as he liked the sentiment at the end of his livestream, Starbright could not depend on teenage girls on the internet to be his heroes. Having just kicked the hornets nest with that livestream, he needed something to make sure he leaves the tower alive. Teenage girls on the internet could not secure this for him and the support of that group was extremely volatile so he went for the one option he has depended on his whole life. Putting on a fake deep voice to disguise his voice he called up multiple tabloids. [color=fff200]Hi, you saw that Starbright livestream too right? Might I say he looked awfully dreamy in that and spoke with the voice of an angel... But thats beside my point. I just saw a large group of EAGLES members storm HERO. I think they are going to arrest him, or worse. He hasn't done anything wrong, this could be the story of the century."[/color] Of course it would be the story of the millenia, thought Starbright, but keeping a sense of humility was best to keep the call believable. He hung up the phone after that, all he could really do was hope that a hoard of paparazzi outside HERO would limit what EAGLES could do here. Now he just had to wait for Christina and Tom to come back. [hr] It had been a while since they had came back. Starbright had grown very bored and leaned further back on Powers' seat while playing some silly phone game. [color=662d91]"Starbright!"[/color] Thouroughly startled he almost fell out of his chair before quickly recovering, trying to play it cool. [color=fff200]"Yes, yes, I was uh... investigating."[/color] Just now looking at the two he remembered both of them, the portal lady and the Bullet. Of course, he would remember the more marketable name above anything else. [color=fff200]"Grace, I hadn't got your name earlier at Club 27 a while back. Don't worry about me though, I'm a very cautious person and when it comes to this office I know exactly what I doi..."[/color] The alarm went off. [color=fff200]"Shit, oh shit, oh shit, someone must have pulled the alarm."[/color] Starbright was deflecting from the fact it was obviously him. But then Grace suggested she go off on her own, [color=fff200]"hang on! You aren't going out on your own like that."[/color] But by the time he managed to struggle out of his chair she was already gone and the hall was plunged into darkness. [color=fff200]"Why didn't you stop her Bullet. Who knows whats out there, lets stick together and catch up with her."[/color] Starbright blindly wandered around the hallway, following the sounds of thuds and portals. But no luck, he hadn't even come close to pinpointing her. But then, for a while... quiet. He had feared the worst. Had EAGLES taken out yet another hero? He didn't care anymore and posed with spectacular fashion, illuminating the hallway. But no luck, there was no sign of her anywhere aside from the unconcious bodies of Beardman and Brightside. After giving a good luck kick to the both to make sure they stayed out cold. [color=fff200]"Ok Bullet, EAGLES are here at the 14th floor. We are going to have to fight our way out. If we can get out to the front we will be safe, but I don't feel right leaving that portal lady behind."[/color] [hr] [/center] [@Hitman][@Duoya]