[hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ERxXJHE.png[/img] [color=888383]Location:[/color] Floor 21 [color=888383]Skills:[/color] N/A[/center] [hr][hr] [color=888383]"Seems you were outvoted on whether I should be here or not. You're the only dissension."[/color] Lara couldn't help but be a little smug when Elizabeth said she was happy to have here there. If Lara had been thinking right, it was Elizabeth and Dalisy that were 'crashing the party' or so they said. Nadia had asked her to come to meet Runa, but it seemed that everyone had something they needed to say at that point, and Lara wasn't going to argue with the importance of Elizabeth and Dalisy's words, even if Dalisy wanted a fight with Lara. (However, that was far from unusual. Dalisy had decided to hate Lara from the first time they met, before Lara had even said hello.) [color=888383]"Hello Runa, it is a pleasure to meet you. I'm Lara... and I'm mostly here to offer my services. My father is Tyr, God of Law, Order and Justice... as well as war. I'm here to offer myself as an Oathbinder if need be."[/color] Lara would never try to force herself onto a quest, but she would offer herself if Runa asked. However, Nadia had asked her to come along, and she would be there to offer her services as Oathbinder.