[b][center][hr][hr] [h1][color=09849f]Kwassi Asokho[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/730211580951920750/YsQSj9E_d.webp[/img] [hr][hr] [color=09849f]Location:[/color] 219 West 47th Street [color=09849f]Skills: Trivia[/color] [hr][/center][/b] Kwassi quicker an eyebrow towards Agent Chase when she asked him about Esther Lederberg. The traffic was as horrendous as usual and that afforded them all some time to talk and mingle. After all they should get to know each other better so that they would work as a more cohesive team. Before he had the chance to answer her however, Agent Reed spoke up about Lederbergs accomplishments and designs. [Color=09849f]"I have to say, as outstanding as her accomplishments were she wasn't in my wheelhouse of study. I don't wish to open up bio-weaponry in that sense. I mainly work in toxins, but have been known to use acids or other such means to help find my way past locks or concrete walls. As for Marie Curie, her designs in portable x-ray helped to not only shape the medical world but also our world as Agents. Take for instance 'The Window' a thin portable machine that uses X-Ray technology, enhanced ofcourse, to help view into other rooms as if it were a window. Brilliant and all thanks to her."[/color] Kwassi watched as Spider-Man swung by them, carrying a passenger that was too blurred to see. [Color=09849f]"Now that's an interesting point to bring up Agent Moss. I personally am unaware of any Trans scientist's, though I suppose I would be curious to see how the media would paint them. Woman's achievements tend to either be downplayed or not as visibly shown thanks to the patriarchy but even when they are many times its more of how amazing it is that a [i]woman[/i] found it. So I'm not sure how the media would handle it. Would they say, for a trans woman, that ofcourse she was capable of doing so because she had a man's brain? Even though science has shown that trans peoples brains are more closely related to the brain they associate with notnwere born with? Honestly this is a side of science i think I may need to read more on once we are done here. I appreciate the new material you've added for me to research."[/color]