Jeremy Crow's head snapped up at the sound of the ship's horn, waking him from a standing sleep. Half-blind in the light, he peered around, trying to get his bearings. It appeared he was already at the back of the ship, and fully dressed. It took him a while to remember he had worked his way out here before the sun had even risen, to avoid the press of the crowds. Not being much of a people person, he was glad to avoid the commotion at the front of the boat. Moving his hands down to his belt, he felt along it confirm the six balls and small pouch along his waist. The familiar weight of his bag rested against his back, though he did not feel compelled to check that as well. It was not unheard of for thieves to be aboard cruise ships, but any currently aboard were likely picking the pockets of the distracted mass on the other end of the ship. Once he was sure of his belongings, he looked around again, quickly spotting a familiar bald head. Jeremy didn't have to move far to make eye contact with the owner of said head, showing that he was present and accounted for.