The two Amrians remained quiet. Kire hadn’t spoken for a long time, her tongue feeling heavy, her thoughts coming to her slow, like she had gotten into one of Elva’s stronger herbs. Now and then Narda would check on her, just to be sure she wasn’t going unconscious or having other dangerous reactions to the dampening wards. The giantess said little, observing the elves that came to deliver their food in silence. She ate without complaint, prodding Kire to eat, though the latter could only do so in slow increments. Though the continuous pacing of Ruli annoyed the countess, she held her tongue. Really, if Kire hadn’t been so depleted of energy, she most likely would have been doing the same, or something worse. Kire’s heavy eyes would flit now and then to Ruli, then to Ysaryn, brows knit in concern, before leaning against Narda again. After what felt like ages, a woman appeared that caught the two men’s attention. Narda nudged Kire, who sat up straighter, frowning in concentration. [i]Aera.[/i] Despite the words that came out of her mouth, she regarded the two men as if they had been passing acquaintances. Cold, empty. She seemed to Narda to be someone incapable of real fondness. [i]If this is how she treats friends, then this whole place be damned[/i], the giantess thought. Kire was quiet, both from the wards and from her attempts at observing the interactions between the princess and the two men. But when they started talking about carrying Ysaryn out and of poison, Kire moved to stand—albeit unsuccessfully—in confusion and alarm. “No, where are they taking her?” Kire said, frowning through the lethargic haze, a beat after Zeke had already carried Ysaryn out of the cell. “They’re taking her to be treated, Kay,” Nard said in Taakalon, prompting her to sit still. “Conserve your strength.” Kire huffed, shaking her head, cursing her slowness. “She really doesn’t like you doesn’t she,” she finally commented, seeing Ruli on the opposite bench. “Can see why you don’t like this place so much though.” “Mhmm. Beautiful. But lifeless,” Narda put in, rubbing Kire’s back. “If they turned Ed into a mindless husk, I will…” Kire grumbled, dissolving into Taakalon. Narda chuckled. “That’s the spirit.” She frowned, looking at Ruli. “What is this bad blood between you?”