The DSSR a neutral civilian research group dedicated to exploring the outer reaches of the stars. In one of their facilities they were working on a revolutionary new machine that would allow them to reach the stars outside the horizon, though it would appear this project would take an unexpected turn. “Lieutenant, What is going on!? Why have you started your machine before the appointed time? What happened to your team!?” Peace was disrupted as alarms blared out throughout the facility, and a black and white war machine threw off the cloth meant to conceal it’s form, before taking off into the void of space at blazing speeds from the furthest hanger where it was concealed. “Lieutenant, I repeat status report, why have the alarms been raised and what happened to your team!?” Within the cockpit of the mobile suit the coms would once again blazed to life as it repeated the same questions, only this time it was answered back by the mobile suit’s pilot. “Oh, you see Captain, I killed them-“ “What!” The Captain interrupted in shock, but the pilot kept talking. “I have killed my entire team, I have also taken the mission objective, though I have decided not to hand it over.” The DSSR sent out it’s own machines while the pilot was addressing his Captain. Their intent was to retrieve the “mission objective” the pilot had stolen as such they could not fire a single shot at the speeding Mobile Suit, which meant that they had no chance of catching the white and black mobile suit, especially with the head start it had on them. “Lieutenant Arkwright, I’m going to ask, What. The. Hell. Are. You. Doing?” The Captain asked in disbelief and barely contained rage. “Captain Maza, I’ll share with you a few words I wanted to say over these past few months, I believe it goes like this: fuck you, fuck Phantom Pain, fuck Blue Cosmos, fuck your all ideals and everything you all stand for. I am resigning my position.” “I see... I hope you enjoy your short retirement, Benedict.” The grey haired Captain stated with a neutral expression and venom in his voice, before the line went blank. In the period that the exchange took place, Benedict had flown far enough out that it would have been risky for the DSSR’s Astrays to follow. With this he allowed his Mobile Suit to stop and and used it’s wire to anchor onto a piece of space debris to conserve energy. He looked over his equipment. He had two beam sabers, two short range beam rifles, one long range beam rifle, one grenade, a couple of wire anchors, and a shield. Not much when he was up against the Estrella Newby, a Girty Lue class ship, it held a considerable amount of Mobile Suits, though it’s biggest danger was that it held 5 Gundam Units as Blue Cosmos was trying to secretly realize the old Archangel plan, with this mission meant to be a trial run. Out of the five units he would be guaranteed to deal with two, the Verde Buster and Blu Duel, as their pilots were not among the operatives assigned with infiltrating the DSSR and were part of the ship’s crew with the duty to guard the ship. The Nero Blitz had several technical difficulties which left it out of commission for the past few days and with both it’s pilot and the intended pilot of the Rosso Aegis, Fredrick Hughes being poisoned, the former would likely not be able to join the battle and the later would have a less experienced pilot behind it’s wheel. Though that still meant Three Gundams, a squad of Slaughter Daggers, and an entire warship vs his own Mobile Suit, the final Gundam, the Strike E. Benedict pulled out his employee card from the DSSR, he had signed up under the name of Albert Simons, an alias, though he was fond of the alias more than his own name. The operative opened his Mobile Suit’s hatch before tossing the card out into space and then closing the hatch back up. After this battle it would likely be the only thing remaining of him, as he didn’t intend to leave a body and if Phantom Pain decided to try and take him alive he would self detonate his suit. This would be how it ended, Benedict always new that, though he didn’t expect to be in this situation for a bunch of Coordinators and their coworkers, he also didn’t expect for Blue Cosmos to go after a civilian made AI. The traitor also took out a data drive in it was the AI that DSSR had developed. He could guess it was for some kind of weapons development, it must have been quite valuable to them if they wanted to monopolize the AI by stealing from the DSSR rather than trying to use alternative methods such as offering to buy a copy of the AI. Though he could be overthinking things. After all he reveled in taking the bloodier plan. Benedict took a look at the clock. He estimated that he had about five minutes before Captain Maza and his ship arrived. “Sorry guys it look like I won’t be joining you all for drinks.” The spy readjusted his Mobile Suit’s shield, he decided to hide among the debris and try and ambush his enemy turned friends before firing his grenade into the ship’s gas tanks. He wasn’t expecting to survive, but he was going to go down swinging. Benedict readied his beam rifle as the ship came into view and started to deploy it’s Mobile Suits. Benedict even when facing almost certain death was still serene. He detached his anchor... and then a flash of lightning ran through his skull as a headache suddenly ran throughout his head. “What’s?” Benedict fought to stay awake, but to no avail... Sometime later... Benedict woke up sometime later, he heavier than before, almost as if he was back on earth... Took a look outside and he realized that he was transported back on the surface of a planet. His hand immediately went to where he had stored the data disk. He didn’t know where or how, but he knew he had to take shelter. He looked around as and spotted a tower in the distance, it would provide cover and a vantage point, Benedict moved his machine towards the tower, though as he was doing so, he felt lightning flash through his mind, his “intuition” he called it. He had a feeling that he was being followed which put him on further guard than before, Benedict made an even greater effort of leaving a trace. As the Spy piloted his machine towards the tower, he made sure he kept an eye out on his radar. He mostly stayed low to the ground though on occasion when the terrain could cover something taller than his suit, he took a stop and scouted his surroundings from a vantage point using the Strike’s thrusters and his wires. It was in one of these scouting he saw an Earth Alliance Mobile Suit and after that when he got closer, he spotted an Archangel class ship, though this one didn’t match with any he was aware of. While he didn’t expect his defection to be widely spread, he wasn’t the kind of person to throw caution to the wind. He kept his distance from the suit and watched as a Gundam unit with a L shaped backpack, which he never seen before come in contact with the EA Gundam. He would wait and see how the EA units would react to this new Gundam before deciding to take action, to give him a better idea of what he was dealing with.