Kire frowned with a pout. “Who likes being trapped?” she said after a pause, rubbing her face to try and wake herself up more. “Don’t like being trapped. Don’t like being made to wait too long.” “There, there, little Wyvernling, I know,” Narda said with a smirk, patting her friend’s head, before turning to Ruli, his answer making her frown. Kire peered at him, more curious than wary. She listened as best she could as he talked about who Aera used to be, and it sounded like a much different woman than the one she and Narda had seen earlier. Someone with life inside her. [i]And the way he talks about her….[/i] Her eyes followed his gaze lazily, to where Aera had been standing. When she heard him address her again—with a helpful nudge from Narda—Kire turned to him, nodding when she recalled the moment he had been talking about. “I…see.” Kire sighed. She wondered, if the Kartaians had captured her, would she be as cold and lifeless as the woman they had just seen earlier? Kire looked at Ruli, still grateful that, despite their initial differences, he had decided to help her that night. Her mind sank into stupor once more, though, and she leaned against Narda again, wishing she would be out of this cell soon. “So, these elves,” Narda said, when it was clear Kire had withdrawn again, “Besides these wards, and their stealth, what other kind of magic do they possess? Ysaryn has that—mm, what’s it called again—” “Shdw walk,” Kire mumbled, head raised slightly before leaning on Narda again. “Right. What else are they capable of?”