[hider=Router] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200921/a0d9f0c951eb4c885b4ac93efc0f5799.png[/img][/center] [center][hider=Previous Identity][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200924/11473930583c59542421158dfb4ae213.png[/img][/hider][/center] [center][img]https://static.cinemagia.ro/img/resize/db/actor/44/38/90/tao-okamoto-478253l-576x0-w-295c6567.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Character you have created:[/b] Lo Chung [b]Alias(S):[/b]Router, Big Lo, Little Lo, Little Sister. She is known by The Thousand Fold Lotus as "Toxin". [b]Outfit/Costume:[/b] Router likes to wear leather and go for a "cyberpunk meets the las vegas underground" style. Expect studs and a general punk aesthetic. When out and about, she will often wear a helmet that serves as a controller for her drones along with her general leathers. Her main costume is a simple bandana to cover her face, giving her an urban ninja look. [hider=WhenBiking][img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/81/81/50/8181507b2c556e74e0fa5d37869637d7.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=MainCostume][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/28/24/e2/2824e2b698b2333f20027e9a778e6f8e.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Speech Color:[/b] [color=d9094b]Pink of Some Kind[/color] [b]Character Alignment:[/b] Walking the Line [b]Identity:[/b]Secret [b]Character Personality[/b]: Router's sense of humor could be described as ironic, sarcastic, and sometimes condenscending. Being isolated most of her life, she had developed a obsession with pop culture and film and often will go out of her way to include references to those things in her "work" and conversations. Her ego is rather large due to her isolated childhood of essentially being told she was superior than "the simple average man" and it takes her a while to admit when she's wrong. [b]Origin Info/Details:[/b] Lo Chung was originally a chinese national, born in Chongqing in the Yuzhong district. She was raised by Lo Fang and Lo Jio, her mother and father for the first seven years of her life, until finally being brought to the secluded Diaoyu islands,a contested region in Chinese and Japanese territory. There she was brought to a remote, underground temple, hidden from all satellite access and unknown to the rest of the world. There was the Council of the Thousand Fold Lotus, an ancient conspiracy, a myth, the puppet masters of Tianmen square, the Taiping Rebellion, and the originators of The Three Kingdoms period of Chinese history. She was brought to the 11th Panchen Llama, Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, who after his kidnapping by the CCP had been secretly brought to The Fold. He prepared two separate cups of tea, both of which he prepared in front of her by crushing red and purple leaves. She was told that one would give her grand power and the other, would kill her, and that only one with true humility could figure out which. After some consideration, she asked the Llama if he would simply tell her. He grinned and said, yes. Taking the cup to her lip, she drank, and it was as if her mind was being pulled through a sieve. She fell and saw a thousand drops of dew reflected on a spiders web, each orb reflecting the other in a kaleidoscope of the infinite. The lotus opened beneath her and in it, she saw an eye, her eye, staring upwards as she fell into the iris, the black swallowing and taking her. She awoke and tried to breathe. Water filled her lungs and she rose to the surface, gasping. She was pulled from the waters by the terra cotta Guardians of the Lotus, whos stone like hands gripped her and pulled her from the waters. She was brought to her parents, who stood in long, red robes. To her surprise, in the middle, was Uncle Yaoguai. She was brought to him and with needle and ink, branded with the tattoo of the Thousand Fold Lotus, a kaleidoscopic image of a lotus flower, a red eye in its center that covered most of her left shoulder. She trained for years in their martial arts, disappearing from the face of the Earth, learning how to deal blows that could kill and those that would not. She discovered what powers she had gained from partaking in the ichor of The Polychromatic Lotus. The most obvious was her poisonous touch, anyone who touched her bared skin would first suffer lethargy, then painful shock, unconsciousness, and after a few hours, death. She could remember anything, with perfect recall. She could imitate any voice, no matter which it was. Hyperintelligence. These abilities eventually lead to her being trained in computers, electronics, ai, and she was sent at the age of seventeen to Shanghai Jiao Tong University under a false identity. When she returned two years later, she gained the codename, "Toxin" and served in several assassination attempts in Beijing, each of which were stopped by local heroes. Over the years, the constant training and missions began to wear on her. The direction, the control. She wasn't convinced that The Thousandfold Lotus could ever unite the world and began to consider they were little more than a terrorist organization operating under the guise of their code, their morality, their goals. She studied english, and when the time was right, asked to take on an assignment in the Americas. She was stationed in New York, tasked with assassinating Governor Andrew Cuomo. She spent a month "preparing" to assassinate the man, when in reality, she was planning to completely disappear. She dug a tracker from the back of her neck that had been implanted years ago, disabled a tracker on the bottom of her car, and drove, drove to a city filled with heroes, where no member of the Thousand Fold Lotus would dare attempt to track her. Lost Haven, Maine. [b]Hero Type:[/b] Gray Matter [b]Power Level:[/b]Street Level, capable of escalating. [b]Powers:[/b] [b]Toxin Control:[/b] Her most obvious power is the ability to, when making direct skin contact, through a toxin secreted in her sweat, cause extreme shock to most bodies systems and will result in death if not treated within the first few hours of contact. Its immediate effects are extreme lethargy which can be barely combated through sheer willpower, followed by painful waves of shock after a few minutes, before the toxin causes complete unconsciousness. She has control over when this toxin is released, and it gives her skin a sickly green color as her sweat begins to cover her skin when "active". This toxin is produced in her expanded adrenal gland and tends to activate naturally in a fight or flight situation. However, her most useful abilities are that of the mind. [b]Toxic Immunity and Removal:[/b] She is immune to most forms of poisons/toxins, and can form a antidote to most forms of poisons/toxins through her tear ducts. [b]Hyperintelligence, Perfect memory and recall:[/b] To the point she can even imitate voices perfectly. She can essentially learn anything, however, she can only read as quickly as a normal human and if a topic arises she's unaware about, she will have to read all about it to catch up on the subject. She's currently an expert in acting, drone production (engineering), blackhat hacking, programming, and would be considered an "expert" (only because there are not many other people who act in this field at all) in the extremely questionably ethical field of mind copying. [b]Mind Copy:[/b]The direct manifestation of this power, discovered far after her defection from The Thousand Fold Lotus, is after a long enough conversation with someone or even just watching and analyzing their behavior, she can transfer her memory of them using a brain scan headband into a drone. The imitation is nearly perfect but tends to veer off the original personality after a while. Due to this, most of her smarter drones are copies of herself, though she plans to expand what she calls "my roster". As a result of her training in The Thousand Fold Lotus, she's essentially trained as a stealth expert/ninja. [b]Attributes:[/b] [indent] Height:5'6 Weight: 143 lbs Strength: Average, she can take on strong opponents, but more through cunning and ability than brute force. Mobility: Gymnast level Intelligence: Genius Fighting Skill: Extremely Competent, fights in a heavily modified Silat. Is capable of operating most firearms. Resources:[/indent] [b]Factory:[/b] She occupies a abandoned warehouse in the french quarter of New Haven she's slowly converting into a ai driven, manufacturing facility. [b]Drone production:[/b] She has a drone production line. [b]Access to Various Bank Accounts:[/b] She has access to thousands of bank accounts she takes small amounts of to fund her projects. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Being pretty big on the ego, it's easy to anger Lo by insulting her intelligence or mocking her. She takes slights very seriously and often her anger will lead her to make mistakes. She's also, despite her abilities, a baseline human in regards to physical strength and agility, meaning she cannot naturally go toe to toe with enhanced supers in a fist fight. [b]Supporting Characters:[/b] [b]The Thousand Fold Lotus:[/b] You thought we would go away, did you? We will return you to us, Toxin, and you will serve your purpose as a petal of The Thousand Fold Lotus. [b]Little Lo:[/b] Lo's "main" drone in Lost Haven, though she doesn't have the heart to tell her she wasn't the original. Mickie Carcoski: Her black market fence and unwilling ally. [hider=Sample Post] Lo sat, cross legged, in a empty and previously abandoned warehouse in The French Quarter of Lost Haven, atop a comparatively nice bed she set in the center of the room. On her lap was appropriately enough, a laptop, and on her shoulder a small spider-like drone, she knew as Little Lo. Faint light crept from her laptops screen to her face, and somewhat less subtly, the sound of human grunting. "You know." Lo said. "I thought the Mayors dick would be bigger." Little lo through synthesized speakers, laughed, "Shows what you know, and I know many things." Lo scoffed, turning her head towards the tiny robotic drone, "You're me! What could you know that I do not?" Little Lo hopped on her left legs, then her right legs, "I can slow my perception of time to nanoseconds. I'm technically years older than you. And what I know, Little Sister, is that size doesn't always matter." They both burst into eerily similar laughter, their voices echoing throughout the warehouse. Lo stopped chuckling then added, "So, is it blackmail or are we selling it to the highest bidder?" Little Lo tsk tsk tsked,, "Blackmail is so messy. You never know if he'll call for help, like a super." Lo sighed, "We never get to do a good blackmail. Why do you never let me do a good blackmail?" "I'm the wise one, and risk averse." Lo said, perfectly imitating Betty Hutton, "Anything you can do, I can do better!" Little Lo, doing an impression of Howard Keel, added, "Anything you can do I can do greater!" Los hand flicked across her keyboard and the image on the screen moved from the image of the Mayor coupling with what was likely his secretary, and towards a mouse hole. The camera operators small spider-like legs were visible as it squeezed through the hole and about a floor down it encountered a rat it took out with a single well placed .22 round to its skull. This noise was barely noticed as yet another thud, not unlike the noises happening above. It eventually found its way to a cupboard, which it gently pushed open. Its legs curled, twisted, and folded together, and a metal ball-like carapace formed around its body. It rolled down with a light "clack" sound, onto a counter, then onto a tile floor, then finally through the foyer and through a doggy door. Lo said, dryly, "Porn collection?" Little Lo said, "Why, it's the ladylike thing to do." Lo dragged the mp4 file simply labelled "MAYORHOTFUCK" to a folder named "Blackmail/Pr0n". Lo closed the laptop, "A days work well done!" She looked around, surrounded by almost nothing but darkness, barely cleared away by stage lights she had placed around her drone production line, a modest metal nightmare of wires, gears, and conveyor belts. "Well, a nights anyway. What should we do tomorrow?" Little Lo said, "We should finally do what we were talking about earlier. Make contact." Los eyes widened, narrowed, her lip forming into a frown. Little Lo crawled down her arm onto her hand, a signal that she wanted to speak face to face. Lo raised her hand, the little robots singular Sauron like eye staring right into hers. Lo said, "Are you sure? It's dangerous out there. I mean, The Lotus may find us, then there are supers who if they knew anything about us, may lock me away forever. I think they'd just scrap you." Little Lo said, "We can't stay here forever Little Sister. We have contacts, but we don't make contact. There's little we can do just alone, we need boots on the ground that aren't skittering tiny legs scambering through mouse holes. We need to announce ourselves, have people come to us." Lo shut her eyes a moment, thinking. She said, "Ok. Yeah. Yeah, I think you're right. I can do this. [i]We[/i] can do this." Little Lo, in a perfect imitation of John F Kennedy said, "The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word 'crisis'. One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger–but recognize the opportunity."[/hider] [/hider]