[hider=WIP] "If you're looking for courage, there's nobody boulder!" Name: Midori Yamamoto Gender: Female Age: 17 Role: MAGILOCK Contracted to: Terra Cracker, a sledgehammer with two massive stones for heads. Much like its partner, Terra Cracker is loud, boisterous, and a general ditz. That said, in a fight, it possesses much better sense, though that's a bar so low to clear that it's subterranean. It gives Midori the ability to cause earthquakes, raise rock walls for defense, and shoot shards of stone at an enemy, as well as enough super strength to lift an SUV. In its DRAGOKEY form, it gains two extra heads and enables Midori to control metal, turn herself into living stone for a short time, and lift and throw an 18-wheeler. All in all, not bad. Personality: If one were to imagine what a stereotypical oni would be like as a high school girl, they need look no further. A mountain of a teenager at 6 feet even, Midori was not exactly blessed with brain size commensurate with body size. She's extremely flamboyant and over-the-top, and considers herself to just be one of the boys. That said, she's warm-hearted and loyal, and always striving to improve herself. History: Midori was always awkward. Never fitting in with the other girls, constantly being mocked for her size, attracting stares. So she told the world to go screw itself, and made sure the attention was always on her. Just a few days ago, though, all that changed. A gigantic hammer appeared as she was ducking through an alleyway, taking a shortcut home from school. It said it was an ARMARUNE, a sort of magical weapon, and wanted her help to fight evil, just like on those shows she watched growing up. Midori didn't need to be asked twice, and threw in with the hammer. Now, she spends her days in school, her nights battling the SEVENSINS, and doing her part to make her small corner of the world a better place. [/hider]