[color=f7941d]"Heads up incoming multiple unknown signatures...and an OMNI one as well?"[/color] Jason says looking to his radar handlers for confirmation the men do indeed confirm that multiple Mobile suits were in coming. He prepares the man cannons as Paul looks to the incoming enemy pilot who approaches him he holds up his rifle and shield in a defensive stance. His head feeling strange as if he felt the incoming targets coming closer instinctively. It hurt a bit but he didn't let that stress him out he was combat tested after all. He raises his rifle towards...a gundam? As he sees it approach and signal him. [color=00aeef]"Who are you? I'm an OMNI Officer; Black Star is my code name. What kind of mobile suit is that?! Is that a gundam? I've never seen a design like that?"[/color] Paul asks him as he looks towards the stranger (Gabriel). [color=00aeef]"Are you ZAFT, or are you OMNI? Or some third party?"[/color] Paul's words are calm and simple once he starts to get his wits more about him. He looks around hoping SIGMA, and Beta are nearby. Jason's men look on their scanners before finally getting a notice on radar and noted that they were missing OMEGA Team but Beta and SIGMA were nearby. [color=f7941d]"This is Jason we're fine but we won't be able to move to your location we're on a field just east of your location. Just make sure you gather the teams together Lieutenant. For now I'll work on getting this battleship of ours operational and then we will find Omega Team. I know how much of a boon they can be to us and we will need all our men to make sure our ship gets out of here."[/color] Jason stated plainly. [b]"This is Beta leader I'm at some sort of base nearby and I have no idea what the hell is going on...we're missing some people! Captain orders sir?"[/b] Beta leader asked as Paul looked about with his gundam. [color=f7941d]"Form on the Lieutenant top center field by the large citadel!"[/color] Jason said over his communicator.