[hr] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjY2LmJjYTgyZi5VR1Z1Ym5rZ1RHRjNjMjl1LjAA/fake-boss.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr] "... Everyone in this room is [i]unnatural.[/i]" Penny rolled her eyes. Sure, she’d once held hands with a bunch of college kids turned demigods in a giant church camp prayer circle singing kumbaya to eradicate the most dangerous entity in all of the universes, inadvertently creating an alternate timeline, but she still considered herself fairly normal. Penny managed to keep the curt comments that came to mind to herself as the Coven took hold of the conversation. Kimberly would be proud. Penny had managed to speak with someone without starting a fight or getting a gun pulled on her. She rolled the cigarette between her thumb and her forefinger as she tried to not look phased by the staggering price for a Dollhouse potion, feeling satisfied for once that things seemed to be going off without much complication. And then, "Ooooooh, Luis!" Penny didn’t know any of the three girls that entered the room, even the one that stuttered her name in surprise, but she could feel the tension in the room hit a new high. She cocked an eyebrow as she studied the girl attempting dreads and, through the cloud of cigarette smoke, imagined she smelled patchouli. Penny definitely didn’t know her, because there was no way she’d forget someone looking like that. If she hadn’t been on edge before, Penny was now. She sat upright to further study the girl, but then everything began to unravel. "Okay, okay! Simmer down!" Penny’s eyes shifted over to Natalie and locked on her. So much for no guns. It was almost becoming a mundane inconvenience at this point now, more on par with not being able to find her lighter than feeling like her life was on the line. Penny activated her abstraction in case the bullets did start flying, muttering under her breath about the woman with the gun being a fucking idiot for trying to make people remain calm by threatening them with an assault rifle. She tried to listen as Lyss attempted to keep the meeting from veering off the cliff, her eyes never moving from Natalie. As the negotiations continued, Penny found it more difficult to hear anything but the blood pumping in her ear drums, which then began to turn into a more constant ring as her abstraction continued to overload her vision. Even then, Penny still heard the gunshots from below. Her head whipped in the direction they came from as Kimberly emerged from the doorway with her gun in hand. [color=goldenrod]“Kimberly, what are—”[/color] Penny’s words were cut short as she watched the bullets emerge from Kimberly’s glock and punch holes in the cowgirl’s body. Penny jumped to her feet, adrenaline hitting the ceiling, as she looked back at her friend. This had not been the plan at all, because if it wasn’t Penny wouldn’t have agreed to it. Maybe that was why Kimberly hadn’t given her any sort of hint that she intended to come down to Miami and start a goddamn shootout. [color=goldenrod]“[b]DUDE, WHAT THE FUCK!?”[/b][/COLOR] No time to listen for a response because Luis was already opening fire on their couch instead of the stupidass, dumbass, bitchass excuse for a friend that Penny had made the mistake of helping out. With hardly an ounce of effort, the bullets that came for Penny instead blasted back towards Luis’s couch. Penny growled. Once they were through here, she was going to make Kimberly wish that she’d gotten dematerialized by a tentacle or devoured by a wendigo. Claudette screamed as she was hit. Fuck! No time to worry about her dickhead friend, Penny was now on damage control. She did not need both a coven on witches and a black market potion shop gunning for her. Penny began to dart side to side like a goalie. While she could see each one, she wasn’t fast enough to intercept every shot. Still, she managed to repulse a decent amount of the barrage away from the Coven before Madison began going to town on Luis and ended the shooting. It didn’t excuse Penny from playing defense, however, as one of the new girls readied herself to spray an assault of bones at Lyss after the other one pointed her out. With Claudette writhing on the ground between them, Penny wouldn’t make it to her on time—by foot. A second sigil, that of a bird on the back of her left shoulder, glowed as she used an air blast to propel herself over Claudette and between Lyss and the bones. She buckled as she landed and reactivated her primary abstraction, which had been forced off. As her abstraction clicked on, a surge of pain shot through her skull and it clicked off. Fuck. She knew that this would happen, but in the moment she’d forgotten her own limitations. Penny grimaced and went to repulse the bones unassisted, knowing that the momentary drop of her abstraction had completely fucked up her timing. Still, being aware that it was coming didn’t change her reaction. She screamed in pain as a dozen or so bones pierced her skin. However, instead of shooting straight through or embedding themselves deeply, they stopped the second they pricked her. As the bones pulled away from her body small little streaks of blood began to seep from what were mostly fleshwounds. They floated in front of her outstretched right hand in a spiral as her telekinesis took complete control over the bones. At the same time, she lifted her left hand as the fanny pack unzipped itself and a parade of coins floated out of it. Like the bones, the coins spiraled in front of her left hand. Penny shot an angry look towards Molly, but the girl was already being dragged into hell by the chain gang. That left the other two girls that had interrupted their meeting. Perfect. Penny was done playing defense (not to mention, no longer capable of doing so), so she pressed the attack. She repulsed the bones at Babylon, while the coins rocketed towards the dreadhead. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Kimberly take off, but she didn’t move to follow. Penny would see to it that the Coven didn’t get massacred thanks to Kimberly’s idiotic ploy, and then she’d get some fucking answers. Already, more coins were pull themselves out of Penny’s pouch and floating around her, ready to get repulsed at the next Dollhouse asshole who tried to make a move on them.