[hider=supa WIP] [color=#7ea7d8][CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200926/41a22dcf97b02620e31f81de42c4f260.png[/img] [color=gray][sub][i]“They never include the soggy boots and the sleeping on rocks in the tales. Or all the walking. So much walking...”[/i][/sub][/color][/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Jrn1z8o.png[/img] [color=#807B84][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color] [sub][COLOR=SILVER]Chip Snowdryft [color=#807B84][sup]_______________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] 24 [color=#807B84][b]|[/b][/color] Male [color=#807B84][b]|[/b][/color] Lightfoot Halfling [color=#807B84][sup]_______________________________________________________________[/sup][/color] Neutral Good [color=#807B84][b]|[/b][/color] Ranger, Beast Master [color=#807B84][b]|[/b][/color] Outlander [color=#807B84][sup]_______________________________________________________________[/sup][/color][/COLOR][/sub][/center] [hider=][indent][sub][b]▼ A T T R I B U T E S[/b][/SUB] [sup][color=#807B84]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color] [COLOR=SILVER]► [B]Perception[/B] ► [B]Animal Handling[/B] ► [B]Survival[/B] ► [B]Nature[/B] ► [B]Acrobatics[/B] ► [B]Stealth[/B][/COLOR][/SUP] [color=#2e2c2c]-[/color][/indent][/hider] [hider=][indent][sub][b]▼ I N V E N T O R Y[/b][/sub] [sup][color=#807B84]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/color] [COLOR=SILVER]► [b]Armor[/b][COLOR=#807B84] - Chip wraps himself in many layers of clothing and armor whenever he's to brave the waste. The outermost layer is a heavy cloak of white furs, meant to stave off the cold and blend in with the snow. Underneath he wears a well-worn shirt of chainmail. The final piece is a leather gambeson, dyed a dozen different grays; its color seems to shift with the changing of the light.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER]► [b]Weapons[/b][COLOR=#807B84] - Preferring to fight with two, small weapons, Snowdryft wields a simple handaxe in his off-hand and a wicked little shortsword in his main one. When needed he can make use of a shortbow, as well, though its meant to be used on birds and hares rather than men. [/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER]► [b]Coinpurse[/b][COLOR=#807B84] - His coinpurse is perpetually cursed with lightness, even after a long day's work. [/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER]► [b]Misc. Items[/b][COLOR=#807B84] - Aside from the usual belonging's one would find in a traveler's pack, Chip keeps plenty of extra rations, rope and climbing tools on him at all times. There are smaller kits for starting fires, making traps, and mixing poisons.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [/sup] [color=#2e2c2c]-[/color][/indent][/hider] [/cell][cell][b][sub]P E R S O N A L C H A R A C T E R[/sub][/b] [color=#807B84][indent][i]Describe your character's personality traits, how their experiences have affected them, etc. This should be the deciding factor on a sheet and be the most detailed. [/i][/indent][/color] [b][sub]F A V O R[/sub][/b] [color=#807B84][INDENT][i]Describe the favor you owe the merchant. [/i] [/INDENT][/color] [/cell][/row][/table] [/COLOR] [/hider]