[center][h2][color=ec008c]Astrad Lungren[/color][/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/TZtQTA4.jpg[/img] [hr][hr] Location: New York Sanctum [hr][/center] Astrad didn't mind if Brunnet Sparks here ignored his very existence; after all, all of their interactions so far had been of hostility, and it be honest, the last thing anyone would want to annoy was a pregnant woman. Seriously though, why was she flying around in the sky while pregnant? Weren't G forces bad for children in the womb? Either way, he thought about his former mission, and now this one. Apparently they were visiting someone called Doctor Strange. Astrad guessed that this Strange character was a... well, a doctor, and was going to help these women do whatever they wanted. They hadn't really given any specifics to him yet, nor had he asked. Seeing and hearing what Doctor Strange would do seemed to be a better alternative than anything else. When they had landed in New York City, one of the first things Astrad heard was Maria's complaining about him being heavy. Of course he was heavy for her! He was a guy with totally average height and average weight, and she didn't look particularly imposing when it came to physical form. [color=ec008c]"Lady,for the record, I'm a guy with less than average height and a totally appropriate weight to match with it. And the last time I had icecream was... last week." [/color] Either way, while Sparky began knocking on the door, Astrad inched a little to Amelia; he found her to be most amicable of the three, and maybe not as pissed. [color=ec008c]"So."[/color], he fidgeted rather sheepishly. [color=ec008c]"Sorry bout earlier. I was just being, uh, sure. I hope we can out that unfortunate incident behind us."[/color] [i][color=ec008c]This does not look like a doctor's office...[/color][/i]