Having mentioned Karuhar’s name once, Hugo felt it prudent he mention it again as well as that of Galadred. He read that elves were far more adept than humans in reading expressions, emotions, and all the rest of the business that let one person discern the humours of another. There was very little time for the party was about to exit the woods into open fields were chances that in the distance help would be more than visible, or at least a place where they could see the enemy coming. “You been to Marienburg before, Asur?” Hugo asked of the two elves. What information he tried to convey to them through subtle gesticulation and emoting would be the last warning of the incoming attack. Hugo had been to these woods many times before and knew them like the fingers on his hands but somehow he had failed for so long to see what was happening, and shame overwhelmed him far more than fear as [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrJm4y0ZZaI]it came out.[/url] “Kla-dza karu wotu!” came the strange bray noise from the woods as an arrow flew to cleave Galadred's ear in half, but it came dangerously close to his eyes. A minotaur uprooted a smaller tree by the great one he used to hide and after swinging it left Jehan without a head, the Knight's frightened horse bolting in fear. Several Gors rushed out from the right side of the cart, whilst a duo of ungors ahead rushed out to try and intercept that cart by jabbing its horses with their spears. After a half second trying to reign them in, Hugo realized that the two horses pulling the cart were likewise bolting and thus they were now only a liability to himself and his comrades. “Off the cart, off the cart, now!” He cried, only reaching under his seat to grab his crossbow before jumping into the dirt with a roll. Barely dodging a tuskgor that ran to gore him, the nobleman cut the thing’s thin tail off with a slice of his rapier as a very small, and hollow victory. The Hochlander Elric ran off likely far too frightened by the scenario and thus only Erwin and the two Ulthuani were left with Hugo against rather many beastmen. It would not be an easy fight, that much was for sure.