[hider=XVth Primarch : Gabriel Argenti] [img]https://i.imgur.com/8l0rvtm.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Gabriel Argenti [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Homeworld:[/b] Chalice, a planet technologically and culturally resembling ancient Greece but with most of the population regrouped in city-states surrounded by immense walls to prevent giant feral beasts from wreaking havoc. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/zwUFlCq.jpg [/img] Normally sized/shaped for a primarch (12ft), his eyes shine a bit with a glimpse of silver. The scar on his right eye wasn't there when he joined the crusade. He remain evasive about where he got it when asked. [b]Personality:[/b] Gabriel is very protective of humanity in general. But sometimes, combined with his lack of tact, this could resemble pity or disrespect. For example his legion rarely fights alongside normal humans, not because he hates them but because he thinks they are too weak for the battlefield and it’s the role of the astartes to do fight for humanity. Since he has been quite sheltered by his foster parents, Gabriel is also a bit naive, often not thinking too much before talking which caused him numerous troubles. Gabriel highly values honor, that’s why his legion refuses to use any "disrespectful" tactics like stealth or traps. For him, honor is what elevates humanity from the other barbaric species who taint the galaxy. Gabriel is also an extremely steadfast individual when it comes to willpower. Even so he’s quick to acknowledge his mistakes when he makes some, his resolve is almost unbreakable. He’s quite hard to anger but when his wrath comes forth (like someone disrespecting his father) he’s even harder to calm down. Gabriel ADORES his father who he considers to be the ultimate human being, the savior and protector of humanity. Therefore, all of his decisions are not only absolute but right and noble. Since he lived his early life in a very religious environment his respect for his father can often be seen as worship as every world conquered must pay hommage to the Emperor as the ultimate being in existence. Nonetheless, he respects the decision of his father to not be treated as a god and insists all he and his legion are doing is just hommage and not worship, even though a lot of people think he’s just playing with words. [b]Skills:[/b] -Melee specialist: Gabriel was raised on a world without guns and since then he almost always trained and fought with melee weapons, making him extremely proficient with them. He favors the sword for its agile nature, but he also knows his way around almost every type of close quarters weapon. -Expert duelist: Considering the importance Gabriel gives to honor it comes without surprise that Gabriel engages in an extensive number of duels. That plus the genetic predispositions he got from his genitor made him one of the fiercest duelists of the galaxy. Extremely tactical and precise, learning techniques and from his few mistakes at a frightening pace, he has even sometimes been seen sparring with the Emperor himself, getting stronger after each defeat. -Monster hunter: During his "childhood", Gabriel hunted and brought down the majority of Chalice’s megafauna, making him an expert at fighting opponents larger (and even sometimes stronger) than him. Gabriel is an absolute monster on the battlefield but his candid nature and lackluster education made him a poor strategist. Event though his legion is more specialized in glorious heroic charges than complex tactical manœuvres, there’s still a need for tactics. Gabriel is aware of those shortcomings and lets the strategy to his trusted captains. For his legion, Gabriel is more of a champion and an example than a tactical mastermind. He’s not abandoning his role as leader of the 15th legion though, he still always has the final word on any matter regarding the Emperor’s Seraphims. He just knows when to listen to his advisors when it comes to things other than fighting for the glorious future of humanity. [b]Assignment Grade:[/b] Alpha Gabriel manifested his powers at a young age. On his world those were seen as gifts of the gods and although rare there were scholars on the planet who were able to teach him how to control his powers. Gabriel utilizes some common powers to a certain extent like increasing his physical abilities, boosting moral or scaring the enemy. He also sometimes uses the power of his mind to heal the injured but his specialty is commanding the sky. Most of the time he uses his psychic might to alter the weather, creating massive hailstorms or smiting his foes with powerful lightning bolt straight from the sky or on the contrary creating massive droughts on limited areas. He also seems to particularly like the ability to sprout massive psychic wings from his back, allowing him to fly at impressive speeds. He could achieve the same result without the wings but enjoys the look that gives him. For unknown reasons, Gabriel’s presence seems to be uncomfortable and even painful for Warp creatures like Daemons. His psychic powers also seem to be particularly effective against such entities. He probably has been made that way by the Emperor but he doesn’t know and never asked. [b]Wargear:[/b] -The Silver Thorn: a shard of a great monolith that the cultists of Chalice used for their rituals (see Biography), it has a great connection with the Warp. It act as a catalyzer and allow his wielder to focus his psychic energy through it increasing both power and precision. After being studied by his fellow primarch Iniephor on Terra and proven non-dangerous Gabriel had it reforged as a sword by his sister Eiohsa. Focusing his psychic power into the blade turns it into an extremely powerful force sword. It is particularly effective against Daemons and other Warp-powered defenses. -Custom made primarch battle-plate: heavier that what most of his brothers and sisters use, trading mobility for a greater protection although most of the time Gabriel just uses his psychic powers to minimize these drawbacks by augmenting his strength or just flying. But if the primarch really need some agility some layers of external protection (for example the pauldrons and knee guards) can be easily ditched off, even mid-battle. Gaining ease of movement in exchange for less protection. This armor comes with a hand-mounted custom-made meltagun on the left arm and a special Iron Halo prototype, the Argent Bulkward which can expand its force field to protect people around the primarch. [b]Biography:[/b] Like all of his brothers and sisters Gabriel was sent into an unwanted journey through the stars while still an infant. His pod crashlanded on the planet of Chalice, an isolated world of the Segmentum Tempestus. Chalice was a planet technologically and culturally resembling ancient Greece but with a strong religious presence. Most of the planet worshipped the four gods known as "The Warrior" represented as a muscular horned man clad in red armor and fighting with an axe, "The Damsel" wearing a purple dress, patron of the arts and passions, "The Gardener", god of life and fertility, always represented as an old man with green ragged clothe. And finally "The Scholar", the god of knowledge and wisdom wearing a long blue tunic. For the trained eye it was obviously a disguised cult of the Ruinous Powers but for the people of Chalice they were their gods and protectors. Most of the population of Chalice is regrouped in city-states surrounded by immense walls supposedly crafted by the gods themselves to prevent the giant feral beasts who populated the countryside to wreak havoc. Gabriel landed in the nest of a what the primitive habitants of Terra would have called a wyvern. After he crashed on the planet the wyvern’s attacks suddenly stopped which led the inhabitants of the nearest city to investigate only to find that Gabriel had killed the beast and survived by eating his remains. The child was discovered by a group of explorers wanting to investigate the reason of the strange lack of wyvern attack. For the people of the closest city state the infant was a gift from the gods. A soon to be champion who would rid the land of the vile beasts that plagued it. He was brought to the chief of the city who promptly adopted the boy. The boy was named Gabriel Argenti from the glimpse of silver he had in his eyes. Soon the best teachers were called, mighty warriors and powerful sorcerers (once his psychic powers awakened) to make him the champion his world desperately needed. After only a year the child, now taller and stronger than anyone ever seen in the city, already surpassed all of his preceptors. His education other than the arts of combat and magic were focused on the worship of the gods and how he was a savior sent by them to destroy the monsters outside the city. It was kept to the bare minimum, so the child could be more easily controlled. When he was deemed ready, he left the city for a three-years. In that time he did what everyone on Chalice thought was impossible, completly purging the land from every monster that dwelled there. Gabriel was greeted as a hero but he did not enjoy much time to rest. As he came back from his quest, he caught his father back in his private villa performing a despicable and secret ritual, sacrificing numerous people to the ruinous powers. The people of the city states were indeed favored and protected by the gods but not without cost, a tribute paid to some vile gods instead of generous deities. The interruption of the ritual interfered with the warp energy that was being wielded at the time which ended by the summoning of several daemons. The apparition of those abject creatures was the straw who broke the camel’s back for Gabriel which slaughtered everyone in the room, killing the daemons, the cultists and his father. When it was discovered, the whole population turned against him, as he was the only one alive who had seen these so called demons, and his father did bring numerous miracles upon his people thanks to the favor of the gods. For the people of the city what Gabriel had done was a blasphemy and a treason and he should be punished for it. Unwilling to fight the people, he swore to protect he fled the city but swore to free them from the shackles of the false gods. He passed the rest of his time on Chalice destroying churches and hunting down priests but his lack of knowledge about his enemy and their sheer numbers made the task almost impossible for a man alone, even as formidable as him. But never he fell into despair and one fateful day his perseverance was rewarded. The sky opened and from it giant flying ships emerged, and from them descended giants clad in metal led by an even greater being covered with gold and radiating with light. It seems that while he was at his lowest, his mind instinctively sent psychic calls for help through space and were received by the master of mankind when the crusade fleet entered the sector. Thanks to this powerful link between father and son, the Emperor knew exactly the situation and was able to start the purge of the planet. Gabriel fell on his knees, that was it, the gods he worshiped before were only lies. The real god was here, and he came from the sky to smite the wicked. The Emperor quickly reunited with his lost son. The two locked themselves inside the throne room of the city-state Gabriel was raised in and they talked for days. At first the master of mankind explained to the primarch what he was and what was his purpose, he then taught the young man why he was not a god and why no religion should be built around him. After days of talking the two of them emerged from the room with Gabriel deciding to take up his role at the head of the 15th legion, the Storm Heralds. Gabriel didn’t stop his veneration, though. For him the Emperor deserved to be praised but not as a god. Gods were only vile creatures feeding off humanity’s fear a weakness for their own benefit. No, the Emperor has to be praised for what he his: the ultimate being in existence, the apex of humanity and as such every human should acknowledge him as the rightful leader of the human race and the galaxy as a whole. In addition to their normal astartes duties, Gabriel and his legion were secretly tasked to take care of all the chaos cults and possible daemonic incursions that comes along. The Emperor presented the daemon to Gabriel as nothing more than "mindless psychic constructs" born from the madness of degenerate worships performed by particularly stubborn and psychically powerful religious adepts. The Master of Mankind insisted on the fact that these creatures were extremely dangerous but that him and his sons where abnormally resistant to them and thus making the Storm Heralds the best candidates to protect humanity from this threat. Gabriel and his legion were therefore secretly tasked to take care of cults to ensure those "psychic constructs" won't be a problem for mankind anymore. This new task filled the primarch with pride. He was personally gifted a mission from the ultimate being that only he could accomplish. He, of course, accepted it without a question. He fulfilled his duty with all the zeal and fervor he was capable of and purged hundred of cults and other abominations in the name of his father until he was awarded the honor of renaming his legion by including the Emperor’s name. He decided to rename the 15th legion the "Emperor’s Seraphims" after beasts from Terra’s old folklore supposed to be enveloped by god’s fire, they used to both share the warm love of god for his creation but also the burning wrath he could use on the one who defied him. A fitting name considering the vision he had of himself and on his legion as the shield and sword of mankind. [b]The Meeting:[/b] Gabriel was still astonished by the spectacle he witnessed. Giant flying ships coming straight out of the sky with giants clad in metal emerging from them. The primarch was shocked and amazed at the same time. He hasn’t had much time to handle the surprise as a small group of golden warriors came to meet him. Several questions came in the primarch's mind, but before he could as at least one the strangers asked him to follow them. Their master wanted to see him. Gabriel followed while remaining on his guard while they were leading him into the throne room from where his adoptive father led the city. In his place was standing someone else, radiating with a brilliant aura of power and magnificence. At the view of this apex of mankind Gabriel fell on his knees, he knew inside of him that this man wasn’t a conqueror coming to enslave his people but a savior who would banish the false gods who had wronged him. After a minute that seemed to him like an eternity, he managed to find the mental strength to talk. "My god… I would like to apologize on the behalf of all the people of this city. They have been fooled into servitude by foul deities. I humbly ask for your forgiveness, and I beg you to save this world from the demons who tried to take it!"pushing his head against the ground The "god" put his titanic hand on his Gabriel’s shoulder and the primarch suddenly felt instead a nice warm feeling. "You were indeed fooled, and I will rid this world of those false idols. But you are wrong on one thing my son, I am not a god, only your father." At these words Gabriel was filled with so much pride he thought his chest was about to explode. He couldn’t believe what was happening to him at this moment and because of that maelstrom of emotion he started to shed tears. The golden titan raised him on his feet. "Leave us alone" he said to the guard who brought him his son "Come my son, we have much to discuss." They locked themselves in the throne room and talked for hours. The Emperor meticulously convinced his son why he wasn’t a god. Explaining him what he was, that he had brothers and sisters just like him, the great crusade, his legion and everything the primarch had to know before embarking on the crusade. The last thing they discussed was the monstrosity Gabriel faced previously. The Emperor paused and for once took the time to think before answering to his son: "Those are just mindless psychic constructs, created by the mind of fools and their despicable cults." This answer satisfied Gabriel, he didn’t asked for more because he didn’t need more. He only knew those creatures were a danger for mankind and he was the most qualified to dispose of them due to his very presence being hurtful to them. He was just proud to be useful to his father. After that, all of Gabriel's despair was replaced by hope and determination. The idea to make the galaxy a better place at his father's side filled him with joy and he departed his planet to join with his sons that his emperor told him about without hesitation. [/hider] [hider=XVth Legion : Emperor’s Seraphims] [b]Legion Name:[/b] The Emperor’s Seraphims (originally Storm Heralds) [b]Legion Number:[/b] XV [b]Legion Strength:[/b] 50 000 astartes and several Imperial Knight houses. Gabriel is extremely reluctant to sacrifice human lives, so only the best of the best among the recruits are selected to begin the difficult procedure of becoming an astartes to increase their chances of surviving both the training and the combat, making the 15th legion relatively small in comparison to the others. The legion has an unusually high number of Imperial Knights fighting alongside them, Gabriel particularly enjoys their vision of the combat where honor is primordial. [b]Armour Appearance: [/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/hFN35UG.jpg [/img] The armor is more silvery than white, the trims are more golden than yellow. The Seraphims often personally decorate their own armors with symbols or scriptures paying homage to the Imperium and its Master. [b]Emblem :[/b] [img]https://www.strongfirst.com/community/data/avatars/l/12/12399.jpg?1564505568[/img] [b]Warcry:[/b] "We stand in the Emperor’s light and slay those who remain in darkness." "The sword of the Emperor, the shield of mankind." "Feel the fury of the storm." (More used when they were called the Storm Heralds) [hider=Dramatis Personae] [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/012/425/920/large/andros-martinez-artstation-greyknight.jpg?1534758571 [/img] [b]Battlemaster Aurelio Luctis [/b] Unlike most of his brothers, Aurelio is extremely calm and level-headed. He possesses an incredible talent for strategy and tactic, making him the de facto "general" of the legion. His plans still need to be approved by Gabriel but most of the time the primarch is too busy fighting at the frontline. [img]https://img-comment-fun.9cache.com/media/agYxjdW/alzexAr6_700w_0.jpg[/img] [b]Chief Librarian Emilios Miridis[/b] One of the professors who taught Gabriel during his childhood. Emilios showed him how to control his powerful psychic powers. After making sure he had nothing to do with the cult led by his foster father Gabriel then asked his real father to make him an astartes as well. The Emperor warned him about the risks of the procedure as Emilios was fairly old for the astartes transformation. He managed to survive and became the chief librarian of the legion, guiding numerous astartes in the ways of controlling their powers with calm and pedagogy. At the same time he can become a truly frightening force on the battlefield when he unleashes all of his psychic might. [img]https://i.4pcdn.org/tg/1553270155705.jpg [/img] [b]Legion champion Michael Velius[/b] Brash, arrogant and impulsive, Michael's only redeeming quality is the immense Zeal he shows while fighting the enemies of humanity. That and his almost flawless combat technique, especially with polearms, making him easily the second best duelist of the legion after Gabriel. Giving him both the titles of legion’s champion and the primarch's favourite sparring partner. He is a decent psyker, mostly using his powers to enhance his physique or to activate his force halberd. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1b/01/86/1b01867505ea95601d46b94aa873d5f9.jpg[/img] [b]Uriel the Deathseeker[/b] Uriel was the prior champion of the legion before Michael. One day, pushed by his zeal and his pride he ordered to charge the enemies instead of retreating like he was asked. Numerous astertes lost their lives in this pointless assault. Uriel instantly lost his rank of champion and joined the Fellblades (see "Special units") as the result of his grievous mistake. His talents on the battlefield gave him numerous occasion to rejoin the ranks of the legion with his other brother but he always refused. He is persuaded that only an honorable death can restore his honor. [img]https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1cUYHNVXXXXcVXpXXq6xXFXXXq.jpg [/img] [b]Reliquary master Omiros Nassilis[/b] Responsible for keeping safe all the relics found by the Seraphims. He also chooses which astartes are worthy of taking one of them in combat. He’s also a skilled psyker and a gifted scholar, charged of studying (or sealing) all the warp-related objects the legion encounters. [img]https://i.imgur.com/wVt7rcl.jpg[/img] [b]Chief apothicary Raphael Palamaris[/b] His usage in tandem of his biomantic psychic powers with his medical skills, supported by his extensive knowledges on the human body (augmented or not) make him without a doubt the best medic of the legion. [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/b9e1f8fe-db23-432d-a53a-752eb4b062e7/ddbhlte-32e403af-87aa-467b-9fcf-8dcfc5a17401.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvYjllMWY4ZmUtZGIyMy00MzJkLWE1M2EtNzUyZWI0YjA2MmU3XC9kZGJobHRlLTMyZTQwM2FmLTg3YWEtNDY3Yi05ZmNmLThkY2ZjNWExNzQwMS5wbmcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.ruEACv4CcStXd_2YHOsclnOzrNsNgpWoTd1t4GuqH0s [/img] [b]Angelos Galanis, commander of the Cherubims[/b] Known for his out of the box thinking and unbreakable resolve, he leads the cherubims (see special units) in their perilous missions. He heavily modified his terminator armor to make it able to follow the other jump pack equipped Cherubims during airstrikes to the surprise and disbelieve of many in the legion. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2d/21/61/2d2161ed4822062de2531388f4c61d73.jpg [/img] [b]Armisael the first champion [/b] First (and often recognized as best) champion of the Seraphims. When he finally fell in battle, it became a priority to entomb his body into a contemptor dreadnought so his talent wouldn’t be lost forever. Every 10 standard years he his awaken to give the most promising legionnaires a special training session to pass down is experience. [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/001/168/971/large/agnieszka-belicka-jules.jpg?1441459573[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/df5yEIi.jpg [/img] [b]Joanna Saintclaire[/b] Joanna act as the spokeswoman for all the knight houses that follow the Seraphims in the Crusade because she’s regarded as the most skilled and honorable as them all. She pilots the Aquilla Magestis, a unique Knight Paladin, relic of a long forgotten age and prize of a tournament between numerous knight houses. In addition to the powerful weapon, it comes equipped with (a power claw and a spear with a thermal cannon inside) the machine is far more responsive and manoeuvrable than any Imperial Knight and seem to enhance the senses of the pilot even giving some sort of foresight ability. But this process is extremely demanding for the mind and sometime body of the pilot making piloting that monster of a machine really exhausting and even dangerous. [/hider] [b]Favored Tactics/Battlefield Role: [/b] Most of the astartes in the legion prefer to fight up close and personal, making the "heroic charge" leading to "glorious melee combat" the main strategy of the Seraphims. Considering that and their small number they most often fight paired with another legion, charging and storming key locations on the battlefield or opening breaches into the enemy lines. They often use any means that could help them closing the distance between them and their enemies, including drop pods, jumpack assaults, fast or heavily armored (depending of the situation) transport vehicles… On the other hand the legion almost never uses any artillery or heavy offensive vehicles at the exception of the Imperial Knights following them on the battlefield and a fair number of dreadnoughts at least for a legion this size. Gabriel and his legion give a great value to human lives so the Seraphims are quite prone to entomb their fallen into dreadnoughts when possible. Due to their mere presence being painful for daemons, a trait inherited from their primarch, they are also often secretly sent to purge chaos cults or daemon incursions resulting of those cults. The legion has a quite impressive number of psykers (around 25 to 30% of the astartes). Those powers are viewed in the legion as gifts from the Emperor and so they tend to prioritise recruit manifesting psychic power for the geneseed implantation. Not all of those psykers get integrated to the Librarius, some prefer to remain rank and file soldiers. They mostly use offensive powers like lightning bolts or other sorts of moral or physical augmentation. The psykers of the legion can also serve some more supportive roles like creating barriers to facilitate charges against enemy fire or using biomancy to heal wound on the battlefield. By working together they can also manifest weather changing abilities like their primarch, affecting the battlefield to their advantage. Like their primarch those powers seem particularly effective against warp creatures. [hider=Special units] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/c/cd/Sanguinary_Guard_vs._Chaos_Marines.jpeg/revision/latest?cb=20160928210122[/img] [b]Cherubims:[/b] a unit entirely composed of elites within the elites, they are charged with the perilous mission of dropping behind the enemy line and hitting them from the back. They are all powerful psykers using force swords, their captains are also equipped with iron halos. [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/340a2f7d-e3ac-47a6-820c-07fae3040f55/d4vzmpe-3980348d-4495-4b4f-83b6-dbe4898e2b62.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMzQwYTJmN2QtZTNhYy00N2E2LTgyMGMtMDdmYWUzMDQwZjU1XC9kNHZ6bXBlLTM5ODAzNDhkLTQ0OTUtNGI0Zi04M2I2LWRiZTQ4OThlMmI2Mi5qcGcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.fB7_WDXeHpJ2_s3VUNMjopZ2RZ6NqJNPRXFK2A_Cd-g [/img] [b]Fellblades:[/b] Gabriel is a really forgiving primarch and because of that, the ones in the legion who lacked honor on the battlefield are given a second chance in the Fellblades. Often sent as cannon fodder, decoy or other dangerous roles, they must fight at the worse places on the battlefield until an officer deems them worthy to return and fight alongside their brothers. [img]https://i.redd.it/36z46239f6t11.jpg[/img] [b]Paladins:[/b] the personal bodyguards of the primarch, clad in hand-crafted armors covered with prayers addressed to the master of mankind in high gothic. Their ranks are filled by former champions of the legion, battle-hardened veterans, elite fighters and powerful psykers, rivaling the Cherubims for the title of best warriors of the legion. In term of weapons and protection, they don’t have standardised equipment, each member uses what he favors in battle. Every member of the Paladins has the same rank, they don’t have a captain as this role if filled by the primarch himself. [img]https://artfiles.alphacoders.com/120/120942.jpg [/img] [b]Templar pattern (left) and Hospitaller pattern (right) imperial knights:[/b] unique patterns of knights only seen fighting alongside the 15th legion. Extremely specialised in close quarter combat. They are equipped with a Thuderstrike Gauntlet and a Principe powerblade for the Templar and a earthshaker powermace coupled with a more powerful short-range plasma annihilator and two twin meltaguns for the Hospitaller. [/hider] [b]Legion Characteristics/Ideology:[/b] The Seraphims share the immense respect their primarch have for the Emperor. A respect some could easily mistake for a religion as they are often seen chanting some praise for the master of mankind before, during and after the battle. Even outside the battlefield. They insist on the fact that paying homage that way, isn’t a religion because the Emperor is real and worthy of those praises. A lot of people accuse them to be only playing with words to hide their worship, but they are truly convinced that what they are doing is not a cult like the hundred ones they already purged. They just make sure that every citizen on every conquered planet knows they are now under the rule of the ultimate being in existence and that he’s their only way to salvation. "Religion" aside, they are often acting in what could be described as "knightly" behavior, truly loving the population of the Imperium and eagerly wanting to protect them. While not in combat the astartes of the 15th legion are often seen helping the population in different labours with their prodigious strength. Some of the psykers of the legion event have been seen using their powers to help healing wounded civilians. They tend to respect every legion as the creation of the perfect being even if they will openly criticize them if they use disloyal or dishonorable tactics. Like their primarch they tend to be accidentally condescending with mortals, often treating them like children. For example, they think their place shouldn’t be on the battlefield because it’s way too dangerous for their frail bodies to fight the horrors the galaxy contain. [b]Relationships: [/b] Relationship with other legions W.I.P (we'll see as the rp progress) Considering their views on normal humans on the battlefield the Seraphims aren’t really popular among the ranks of the Astra Militarum even though some regiments owe their lives to their last-minute intervention. On the opposite, they are close to numerous Knight houses as their style of combat is similar with a greater focus given to honor. They are indifferent toward xenos. They don’t feel any need to protect them like the humans but have no particular grudges against them. As long as they don’t threaten the Imperium and his inhabitants, they are allowed to live and if they get integrated in the Imperium, then they will be glad to protect them like every other citizen (even if their lives are less important than human life in the eyes of the Seraphims). They try to remain in good terms with the Mechanicum, paying homage to the Emperor as the Omnissiah when they are in the presence of members of the cult of Mars. [/hider] [hider=Custom stat sheet] [img]https://i.imgur.com/0ULECSq.jpg[/img] [/hider]