Ah. That scent. This is not something to joust. This is something to rescue... or something to hunt. She has seen horrors before. In the savage land of the Balkans the woods shivered at the passage of bats that walked like men. In the valleys of the Alps princesses grew fur and took up the aspects of beasts. In the holy land itself she had encountered one who had perhaps been the Prosecutor of God. A curse ran through the world that made the human form fall away, making the exterior as bestial as the interior. A nightmare that echoed time and again saw her indistinguishable from her cloak. She wore it regardless, even as half-memories of ursine talons overlaid her hands. What quest or trial had gone so awry for this knight that she would emanate that scent of magic? What truth that couldn't be concealed within flesh was now being concealed within metal? Was this the destiny of knights? Scales and fur and savage instinct? The words didn't come easily. Despite the music of her voice she could go days without speaking on the road. But this was different. This was her home, this was her peer. She would not go through this bout as some silent and landless vagabond. She would be known, and she would be known by any rising monster or fallen knight for her skill in defending this home. "You ride against Robena Coilleghille," she declared, striking her lance against her shield. "Who fights for the honour of lady Constance Nim. You ride against one who has seen both horror and temptation and emerged scarred but victorious. You ride against one who can smell the curse that weighs upon it and would lift it from you. You may not know me as a hero and saviour, but I vow before the River and the Bloodless One that I shall not rest until you can once again show your face in the light. I shall unhorse you in the joust, overcome you in the melee, and best you in the contest of hearts until you are worthy of that kerchief you wear and bring no more suffering to the one who granted it to you. You who know nothing shall be made to know me, such I vow." She lowered her visor and set her lance. Come then. Set your strength against the giantess. Test your curse against her heart and see which emerges the stronger. [Single Combat: 7. I spend two on position and one on defending myself, striking with 4 harm and 5armour]