Nesy's head ached as his heavy body rose up from the pod and his eyes were hit with the sight of the cave. "Woah..." He rose up from the pod and he started walking. The entire place was fantastic but frightened him to the core. The world seemed to shrink, his heart pulsated in his chest with a sickening lump in his throat. He wondered what this place was, this cave and all it contained. Those offerings made him think that he might've been dead but the hologram told him to meet someone named, "Zebu." Who was this Elder - so called Zebu? He did not know, if not then... He might as well find out. While he walked towards the cave enterence, thoughts began to rush into his mind and those were about his family. Nesy was bummed that he will never see his friends, family and he had no other choice to live but unfortunently fate has brought him here, there's nothing he could do as if life was inevidable. The determination to live fueled his walk towards the end of the cave. He stood at the ridge of the enterence, so he inhaled the fresh air. Nothing but the breeze whirled past the tall trees while he kept his pace through the peaceful forest. Now for the town of Leaf, what was it again? He thought it sounded elvish because he accosiated it with elves but the realisation of an alien world strook him. That pod, it must be! It couldn't be something else right? His legs dragged him through the path, littered with rocks parallel to eachother in unusual intervalls, yet it could lead him to Leaf town right? Norr did he know what the town actually looked like. "...Aliens? In that case the existance of life has been proven..." He mumbled, a rush of happiness sank deep within him, it felt very good to be in this new world but he didn't realise it was back in time unfortunently. Nesy's eyes scanned through the alienlike vegetation, alienlike it was indeed! "Facinating... It makes me want to blow up in a sea of luck!" He thought. The sunlight breached through the cover of the trees, a feathery sky stretched up to the blue heavens. It was shoruded in clouds that looked similar to Earth. Pollution wasn't present whilist the air he inhaled seemed a lot more cleaner compared to his world, it was more natural. Land seemed mostly untouched. However, he saw a couple of wooden shacks between the woods and he hurried himself towards the town of Leaf. He arrived at the town and people seemed to be living in worse standards then the modern days. Wait... Is he in the medieval world? "...Medieval times?" Perhaps Nesy did actually go back in time! Of course, a damn time capsule who couldn've known! He decided to collect his thoughts and called upon the folks... "Uh yeah! Hey guys, uhm. Can I meet your elder because apperently I do not know uhm... Where I am and stuff." He stuttered a little, feeling nervous that people may crowd up on him due to his clothes. Let's see what would happen, bet he would be mega-crowded anyway by the vilagers but he doesn't expect that doesn't he?