[hr] [center][i]Several years later...[/i][/center] [hr] [b]Pucci:[/b] So, if I'm understanding you correctly, you're an alternate version of my universes Dio? *Pucci casts a glance at Dio (Prime) who gives him the slightest of nods* [right]*Nods* Indeed I am.[/right] [b]Pucci:[/b] *Steeples his fingers beneath his chin, expression one of deep contemplation* And in your universe we achieved heaven? [right]*Nods, smiling slightly*[/right] [b]Pucci:[/b] *Pauses a moment, as though contemplating something, before continuing* Yet you say there are levels higher than that? [right]I believe so yes. It has taken me a while, but I think I've finally found a way to reach them at long last. *Pauses, leaning forward in my chair* It will not be easy however.[/right] [b]DIO (Prime):[/b] So what's your plan? [right]*Smiles as I stand, hands clasped behind my back, and begin pacing about the room* My plan is simple in premise, yet difficult in execution due to the seemingly fated nature of our existence. I propose, however, that we reach an even higher level of existence through a repetition of the original ritual, only bigger. First we will get thirty-six versions of ourselves, each of whom will have reached heaven through our aid, and then merge so our souls become as one. *Smirks as I lean against a nearby wall* With that accomplished, we shall finally become the most powerful being in [i]any[/i] existence.[/right] [b]Pucci:[/b] *Chuckles lightly* If it were anyone else I would have called you insane. Yet if you really are who you say you are, then I have faith the two of you shall succeed...