Things went just about how Gabriel had expected. the Mobile suit he had been approaching immediately went on the defensive. But thankfully instead of moving strait to shooting the pilot started asking questions. The bad thing was these questions didn't make sense the organizations of ZAFT and OMNI were new to Gabriel, and who didn't know what a GX was, they weren't exactly top secret anymore. But at least the pilot kind of introduced himself. "[color=8dc73f]The name's Gabriel, Some of my contacts call me X. Never heard of either OMNI or ZAFT before. Currently I guess you could say I'm affiliated with the Scavengers running out of London, my current contract is with a group called the "Purple Rhinos"... And before you say anything yeah its a stupid name, but I guess the guy let his kid pick the name so what can you do. Before being a scavenger I was an Officer in the UNE before it was disbanded. This suit is indeed a "Gundam" it is the Gundam X, A good machine. Now Mr. Black Star I don't mean you or your people any harm, I'm just a little lost and a bit on the confused side so how about your not point your weapons at me and I won't draw mine against you. We have a deal?[/color]" Gabriel answered the questions he was asked He had questions of his own, but that would have to wait for now. But there was one question he did want to ask. "[color=8dc73f]Just so I know if I can let my guard down a bit, is that other Newtype over there one of yours? or are we being watched by a third party?[/color]" Gabriel asked and had his suit point in the general direction of Benedict. For the moment Gabriel still had not drawn his weapon, but he was more than ready to if the need arose.