Paul was confused had this man hit his head or something? There was no way he was serious but....was he? [color=00aeef]"I'm not sure if I believe you. There's only a handful of places gundams could come from. The Earth Federation, and the ZAFT Plants Union. The new generation of Earth's OMNI Gundams don't roll out until about a year from now and if what you're saying is true your a scavenger? But how? Junker guilds shouldn't have access to high tech like that machine of yours." "However I feel....I feel confusion coming from you? I see you're like me I believe the scientists are phrasing the term Newtype now for people like us so if you're in the know about it that means you've got something working for you. Whatever I'll assume the UNE come from some sort of splinter group for now. But no I don't know whoever it is over there. Radar scan is picking it up, and I got the-"[/color] Paul stated before being interrupted rudely by BETA leader and SIGMA Teams members as they arrived from the western entrance that appeared to be of the only exits nearby. [b]"Lieutenant sir we-What the blue bloody balls is that a....a gundam!? Sir that thing has to be a ZAFT make![/b]" Beta Leader proclaimed as SIGMA team's sniper told him that they were missing their number 4 and 2. Paul sighed as he wondered why the hell they had to appear just now..."[color=00aeef]No Beta Leader stand down. I don't need to get into an unneeded gun fight and if this guy was one of our captors he'd be stupid to try and kill us with the numbers on our side. Let's talk for now. Captain is the ship back in progress?"[/color] Paul asked as Communications Officer Williams replied to him but only somewhat because it was clear she was tired from just waking up, "[color=f7941d]Yes lieutenant will take awhile for us to get weapons online to let you know."[/color] Williams replied as she looked around the bridge. Axel and Calhoun were just waking up now and were starting up the systems which had mysteriously powered down. Also it seemed that an extra crew member had arrived to take the place of Coms Officer Downey. The pink haired woman had identified herself as Cathy Baker but she looked familiar somehow. Maybe she was an old student at the academy from back in his early OMNI days like he was. Meanwhile Paul turned back his attention to the 'scavenger', [color=00aeef]"I apologize for the insistence but it seems I must ask you to join us on our ship. My Captain is most likely going to want to talk to you however if you want to leave I'd like it if you did so quick. Before you ask no I just woke up in the middle of this god forsaken field only just now. I don't know anything about this place myself. If you're telling the truth, which is a bit of a stretch, it seems that we both fell victim to whatever brought us here."[/color] Paul stated rather bluntly. [color=00aeef]"And you over there! Next time maybe you shouldn't be moving with an OMNI code still active on your mobile suit."[/color]