[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/FBrdjSk/image.png[/img][h3]Malphas Leap of Faith, ???[/h3][@Rune_Alchemist][@Click This][/center] Malphas was startled at the sudden appearance of the wall covering his escape, his heart sinking low at this final roadblock to escape. For a moment, Malphas had began to lose hope, his face in a state of shock. To be cornered like a rat by this hulking behemoth, with no where else to run aside from back into the complex. With his energy fading, there was not much else Malphas could do, no miracle he could truly accomplish. All that was left now was to crumble down and hope his end is swift... "[color=lightblue]... No.[/color]" Before he could fully lose hope, thoughts of the past filled his head. The faces of his followers. Their unwavering belief. Their willingness to do anything to accomplish his dreams. Malphas knew that he could not die here, not without creating the paradise he had once promised those who had followed him. He must live in their place to truly fulfill their dreams. If not, then what sort of leader would he even be? Malphas took a few paces back from the wall, keeping note of the giant's slow but steady approach. Taking a deep breath and turning to the giant only briefly, he shouted out the loudest he can, a final boast to the giant, as well as anyone else within earshot in this gods-forsaken complex. Malphas could hope that, at the very least, his fellow escapee Narkissa could also hear him. [b]"[color=lightblue]You fool! Don't you know I can fly?![/color]"[/b] Mankind had always looked to the vast sky, a belief that the heavens above held the realm of the divine. The more that man understood the heavens, the more man had further fixated on such a lofty realm. Building tall towers to reach the skies, inventing objects such as telescopes to observe the stars, even going so far as to craft flying contraptions to soar the heavens... Humans had always had a fixation on reaching the skies. Perhaps mankind's greatest achievement was truly reaching the heavens, surpassing the confines of Earth and landing onto the Moon for but a brief moment. What was once thought to be a miracle became a reality. It could be said that the best example of mankind's endless ingenuity is the ability of flight. Not even a second after Malphas's boast, he ran towards the wall. At that moment, he leaped for the stars, hoping he could squeeze in one more miracle to surpass this stone obstacle. Perhaps this earthen barrier was a metaphor for the Earth itself, an obstacle Malphas had to surpass if he truly wished to be one with the Heavens. Or perhaps the wall was a mere reminder of the insurmountable odds that mankind would face on their road to progress. None of this mattered to Malphas in the end. Either he would leap across the wall and find salvation, or he would be crushed by the Guardian, the last vestiges of true humanity leaving this domain... Or the impossible could happen, and Malphas could have jumped at the same time the giant swung its sword down at him, likely avoiding a lethal blow and perhaps opening his way to freedom.