Octavia raised her eyebrows but took a half step sideways to give herself more room to swing. Two recent suitors had not listened well when Octavia informed them that she, and her inheritance, were not interested in their personal company nor their businesses. Hubert had needed to step in to help convince them to take their interest elsewhere. In those two cases, brother and sister had unanimously agreed. Just thinking of them helped to darken Octavia's countenance with a fierce scowl to pull off the ruse. Mr Fischer's suggestion might work better than he expected. "I never intended to let you out of my sight, but-" Octavia's hand flew from her side and slapped across the engineer's face. If Hubert happened to be watching, she could not hold back. The sound drew attention like moths to a flame. "My father trusted you," Octavia finished. Her eyes ablaze she stepped toward Max. Her hand curled into a fist, ready to swing into his jaw even harder a second time. If she merely backed away now, in surprise and disgust, she'd have to continue relying on Hubert's intervention. With any luck, this would be a sufficiently public demonstration to keep thick headed admirers and fortune hunters from pushing her too far. Surely Mr. Fischer was coordinated enough to dodge a punch. She hoped. They'd find out. She swung at him again.