[img]http://i.imgur.com/liks82d.png[/img] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/211956364010979328/358493964854231041/image.png?width=335&height=88[/img] The first day of school wasn’t too bad. Though Donny wasn’t a fan of all of the homework they gave him, he did his best to do them before going to bed. The important thing was that it was done after all, and anything he didn’t understand he was certain he could figure out eventually. That night he had dinner with his grandfather, eating a somewhat fancy bowl of instant noodles with ramen eggs and fresh nori. He was rather excited and thought that his first day of school went pretty well for him. The second day however was a drag. Most of Donny’s classes were rather boring lessons that nearly made him fall asleep and on top of that more homework. So much so that Donny seriously considered trying to get some of it done during lunch so he wouldn’t have to spend all night on it, but ultimately Donny simply ate his lunch and played with his cellphone instead. [color=firebrick]”Ugh what a slog. Education’s important and all but you’d think they’d make learning more interesting in this day and age…”[/color] Eventually Donny would reach his final class, Hero Course. Already fairly beaten down by the earlier classes Donny figured they would go back into boring stuff again, like the history of heroism or laws and such. Things that ordinarily may interest Donny but at this moment he just wanted to take a nap and eat some somen. However what surprised Donny was that Mako was going to put them straight into a practical exercise. Heroes vs Villains, though Donny wasn’t sure what exactly that entails. Did they have to chase down the villains? Protect an objective? Both? Additionally Donny was chosen to be on the hero team. While part of him was eager another part of him was worried. He’s never really done anything remotely heroic and a lot of people on the villain teams are really tough! Donny was too nervous to really ask any questions and simply went to the lockers to change. Or rather, offload all the food he had stored inside of his body. Today he had brought chips and a thermos of barley tea. Neither which he figured would be of much use, so he stashed that away. He also put his wallet away in his locker and was considering putting his phone away too. However he decided to keep it: perhaps he could make use of the flashlight or something. As for his gym uniform, once more he simply took off his school uniform, folded it, and headed to the training ground. [color=firebrick]“Oh boy oh boy oh boy…”[/color]