[center][hider=Leaf Village][img]https://i.imgur.com/IgDjaeu.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] Nesy stumbled into the village of Leaf. There were only a few squat buildings, possibly houses but it was hard to tell, and the streets were hard packed dirt rutted from wagons and carts. People sauntered along their business with their eyes downcast and their expressions dour. Nesy noticed that the people's clothes were threadbare and dirty. However depressing the village looked, though, it didn't have a feeling of violence or meanness about it. The people seemed to regard one another respectfully, and when an old man's wagon tipped over a group of kids nearby stopped to help him pick up the mess. Nesy approached the group of kids who helped te old man. They eyed him suspiciously as he walked up, "Uh yeah! Hey guys, uhm. Can I meet your elder because apperently I do not know uhm... Where I am and stuff," he said timidly, still dazed from his awakening. "We don't get to speak to the Elders, um, sir," a small lad frowningly chirped, "but there's a group of people meeting near the town well, you should be able to find someone there. The well's in the center of town, just follow the road, sir." Nesy politely thanked the boys and headed he direction they pointed. As he went he saw a group of people talking quietly about something that Nesy couldn't quite hear. As he walked up Nesy could see that they were standing in a circle around a large well, at least 4 meters across, that had a narrow stone stairway that circled down into the blackness. Nesy could catch bits and pieces of conversation around him, "...the kid who.. just disappeared... hasn't had water for a week... we'll have to move... kill the whole village... Zebu...." The last word caught Nesy's attention and his head swiveled to the voice who spoke the name. He saw a tearful young woman talking insistently to an old man in a green robe: [center][hider=Zebu][img]https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-1210b72bb9352314b353de1941631c4d.webp[/img][/hider][/center] Nesy walked in their direction and picked up bits of the conversation, "... you must take the sword and rescue my... a great beast has taken..." the words became clear as Nesy came closer, "..only you have the ability to wield that thing and my baby is down there! Save my little girl Please!!" She pleaded weepily just as Nesy walked up. The old man's eyes went wide for the briefest of a moment and then they returned to stoic. "I cannot help you my dear," he said kindly, "but the Lords have sent us an archon who will help us. Behold! a Hero has arrived, though of what quality we do not yet know." The woman turned confused eyes on Nesy. "Ss.ss..sir.." she said uncertainly, "would you help me? my little girl is down there, she is only 7, there's a great beast who has stolen her.." she stopped overwhelmed with sorrow. "Of course he will, for what hero would turn away from those in need," said the old, wise man, "and it is only a hero who can wield the sword of winds." The old man produces a beautiful sword to a bewildered Nesy: [center][hider=Wind Sword][img]https://gbf.wiki/images/thumb/5/52/Ridill_%28Wind%29.png/462px-Ridill_%28Wind%29.png[/img][/hider][/center] "Take the sword young man, and save the girl. When you return you may ask me three questions, and I will aid you on your quest." [hider=Your Quest] Firstly, take the sword and answer Zebu, then travel down the well and fight your way through the dungeon. The dungeon is filled with giant rats, giant spiders, goblin creatures, bats, and a big bad monster at the end. You can create the big bad monster if you want or you can stop writing before you get there and I can create it. When it gets to the fight with the big bad monster you can write out the epic fight yourself or we can do a back and forth fight, I'll leave that decision up to you. Eventually Nesy must kill the creature and rescue the child. Don't feel limited by anything I have set up, let your imagination fly! Secondly, prepare your 3 questions for Zebu after the monster is killed and the girl is rescued, you'll get to ask them after you clear the dungeon and I'll give you good answers. Thirdly, the sword is magical, if Nesy concentrates for a moment it can shoot a bullet of air and deal serious damage, but he needs a moment to concentrate. Lastly, I've never co-wrote a story before so I hope I'm doing ok and you're enjoying this as much as I am. I will pick up writing wherever you choose to stop. Have a good day friend :) [/hider]