[h2]Cape of New Hope: Trade Alliance colony[/h2] [b]Administrator Meeting[/b] Joseph Black finally takes his seat at the head of the meeting. "Ladies and gentlemen. It has been six months since our arrival, I know there have been many meetings between each of you and myself but I think it is a time to get an assessment of our overall progress." he says casting his eyes around the assembly. "Security, lets begin." The Security administrator, and head of the Trade Alliance Infantry clears his throat, "mmm, Yes. Construction of the base fortification is nearly complete and we have had little trouble with the... locals." Says the administrator in a gruff an military bearing. "However the, well, I don't think we have an official name for them yet. Anyway we have been calling them goblins, are little more than a nuisance. Every night we have been finding a few flint tipped spears imbedded into the walls no injuries or deaths yet." The flight Commander of the Reaver wing speaks up "We did some recon in the hills north of us, seems like there are tribes of the goblins up there. I'm not sure on the structure, if they are one tribe or several separate groups, but there are a dozen groups of them each several hundred strong. Oh, and we noticed many more campfires further north as the sun went down. There are thousands of the little buggers." One of the elected officials spoke up, "Are they a concern?" "No, not really. if they came in force we may have trouble with them but the wooden palisade is enough to keep them out. Once concrete is an option they won't have the technology to get through the walls." the meeting falls quiet a moment absorbing the information. "very good" says Joseph, "How about agriculture?" The elderly woman glances down at her notes for a brief moment checking that the figures she has been working with every day for months are still correct "It seems we are at 80% to sustainably feeding the population on shore based farms but people are getting upset, they expected land to begin their own cultivation and trade." Joseph nods, "Well that takes us to Economics, How is the plan on that front?" Several people begin to shift to speak before most of them realize their version of economics was not being addressed. The local economics admin adjusted his glasses and recited the plan "we should parcel out land totaling an equal to the state controlled land to people and allow them to clear and cultivate it, once that harvest is rolling in the current state land should be parceled out to those who want land but did not get any in the first round. Probably months before this is complete and will require monitoring but should keep most citizens happy." Joseph smiles, things are going well on all fronts so far, but there remained one that was critical. "Foreign administrator?" The woman simply nodded, "No news on that front, all vessels except the survey ship, have been in the cape. we are awaiting the colony to be well established and an internal economy in motion before establishing any concrete relationships. However the possibility of trade deals are being discussed but there have been no formal arrangements." again the congregation nods absorbing the information "Speaking of, How are the surveys going?" The bookish lady frowns slightly, "In terms of base resources such as Iron, various components of concrete, copper, even some coal, we have enough to start a simple but robust economy in manufactured goods, building materials and simple fuel. However some of the more precious resources have not been found yet such as gold, uranium or oil. The survey ship has been gone about a week now, so they may have found something new but we will not know until their return" "Alight, Industry?" A man covered in grit and grime smiles "Yeah, like the lady said, plenty of base materials to work with, and that Gaea corp tech is pretty awesome. We almost have a full industrial base, if we play our cards right we should have a large scale industrial forge by the end of the month, and some machine shops making various small parts. All by hand unfortunately, don't have the population to support large scale mass production of much of anything.. except bullets you know, just in case. But I Think these should stay state operated and people can build out that level of infrastructure as our economy can support it. Especially once trade with the others begins in earnest. Oh, and some of the lads are talking about getting another A-1R plane together probably take a few months doing it by hand though." "This is all sounding very promising" he says looking at the clock "I think its time for a little break, thank you lets all return after lunch"