[hider=Map of The World Of Crystalis][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/v1APIUP.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] Hundreds of years ago there was a terrible war that left the world in ashes, the only memory is a myth about a star which fell to earth and consumed all life. The only vestiges of the old world are shrines located in hidden places, now guarded by wise and powerful elemental priests; and a looming Tower flying high in the sky like a bright comet circulating the globe in regal perpetuity. The people came back, slowly, as well as the animals and vegetation. But something was different, the animals had changed into new forms, and some of the people had discovered the skill to manipulate the fabric of reality itself, making the world limited only by their dreams. Draygon, an evil being, wishes to rule this world, and he has discovered that the Tower holds the power of the old ones. He seeks to find the means to communicate with the Tower, and using it's power usher an age where his power is unlimited. [hider=As We Play] I will do my best to keep the map updates, so we can keep track of where things happen in our world. If you'd like to play please post in the OOC. Welcome to Crystalis. [/hider]