[color=darkgray][center][url=https://fontmeme.com/get-weird-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200404/2c86416cbb2250123c9e9895b193e7a0.png[/img][/url] [img]https://cdn140.picsart.com/302303916349201.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [indent][indent]To say that the adventures with the bottle were a mixed bag was completely apt. The second that Savannah returned to her spot after Nicholas tried to jam his tongue down her throat, she downed a huge portion of the remainder of her Hpnotiq to get the taste out of her mouth. Luckily, she wasn't called upon to offer any more kisses this evening, although Talya not landing on Sav was disappointing. [color=ff4de1][i]You would think fuckin' karma would pay me back for that whole Nicholas bullshit. I guess Sol used that up.[/i][/color] She did feel a twinge of regret with Sol now knowing what the boxer was capable of, but it was clear with her efforts from Tane that there was something else that had her attention. Something that Savannah definitely couldn't offer. So when TJ announced a gear shift to seven minutes in heaven, that's when Savannah's mind started going into overdrive trying to figure out exactly what the hell she was going to get out of this contrivance. Savannah had spent more than seven minutes in heaven before, so the prospect of limiting herself to such a time frame was almost juvenile. However, maybe that was what she needed to actually get Talya to the point of potentially getting to know her better. There was the scavenger hunt. There was the dance floor. It was clear there was something there. So what was the plan? This wasn't Payout's first rodeo, but somehow this felt like the stakes were higher. She felt this way with Alexis, and yet it wasn't at this level. It was weird. It was clear TJ knew what the stakes were. It looked like her and Tane had a right romp. Maybe it was supposed to be revenge for Nicholas getting insanely cute with spin the bottle. Savannah still felt a tinge of regret about that. Not from the action, but from the fact that she didn't give in and slap that stupid smirk off that asshole's face. It would have made her point even better. But, she held back for some reason, and maybe that was why the party was still going. And TJ held the keys. As the redhead returned to the bar area, the pink-blonde accompanied her to give some support in the face of the others. However, it was really to grease the wheels of what she wanted to accomplish. [color=ff4de1]"Hey, I'm fuckin' proud of you, girl,"[/color] Savannah told Tyler Jane. [color=ff4de1]"You showed no fuckin' mercy in there, and that's the fuckin' girl I know. So... we are just claimin' who we want, right? Because, I'll be real, I think it's best I take Talya in there and make sure she don't have to be so shy next time she's coming up to me, you know? So that's gonna happen."[/color] [/indent][/indent][/color] [hr]