[img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/201007210468212736/750420218030850198/Team_Sig_V3.png[/img] “Don’t try to be a hero if you are pushed to the edge again.” Zane said to the guard as the man sat down. “It’s better to get another person in here than letting things get out of hand.” Seeing Elsa motion for the two to follow Zane followed behind the other duo. As the trio left Bella quickly signed to the prisoner in response to his comment. She wasn’t sure what brought him to the cell but as long as he was alive there would always be a chance for him to turn towards good. ‘Hopefully tomorrow will be the start to a new path leading towards being a free man.’ The woman gave a slight wave to the guard and prisoner before following her partner out. Bella watched the text appear in her vision as Elsa shared her observation and plan. “...Together go...” Bella’s glasses said before Zane could respond. She could feel her partner getting ready to decline but Bella knew that it would be important to investigate. If something dangerous was present it would be important to handle the situation quickly or inform the correct personnel of the situation. “Is it really wise to stick our noses into something we have no part of?” Zane questioned as his shield that he kept up since the fight with the students shrunk down back to the size of a coin and pocketed the weapon. “There’s more than enough people here to keep everything in order. Do you really think we would be the first to notice the anomaly with Tabion and some of the other veterans here?” “... not matter... we help…” Bella said in response. She could feel that there was something else bothering Zane. Although his physical appearance didn’t give off any sign she could feel a slight wave of worry through their link. ‘What’s wrong?’ ‘You know exactly what wrong Little Mouse. Do you really want to push yourself after yesterday?’ Zane questioned as he raised an eyebrow. ‘I’m fine.’ Bella responded with a slight sharpness that could be felt over their link. ‘You promised not to bring it up or let it affect your decisions.’ “Fine. Whatever.” Zane replied with a sigh. “We’ll join you on this field trip.” Bella gave a small smile in response to Zane’s response before moving one of her bots towards the palm of her hand. She twirled her finger three times at the direction of the bot and with her alchemy had the bot rest a few inches above her hand before turning the bot off “...power off...” Bella said motioning towards the bot. “...no alch energy...bot will fall...”.