[b][center][hr][hr] [h1][color=7d16c7]Oliver Sullivan[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7ecMeOO.png[/img] [hr][hr] [color=7d16c7]Location:[/color]Braddock Academy - Study [color=7d16c7]Skills:[/color] N/A [hr][/center][/b] Oliver was visibly surprised that she knew about the Illuminati, and weighed her knowledge for a moment, before continuing. "[color=7d16c7]Well, not exactly.[/color]" He said, not knowing much about the Kree, "[color=7d16c7]I'm unsure of the reasons for why, but Skrulls have started to come to Earth. We know for a fact that multiple agents have been compromised, and we worry that they've started a kind of invasion.[/color]" He explained, crossing his arms. As the water rippled, he took a step back, before Captain Britain emerged from it. Giving a smile, he nodded at him, before reintroducing himself, "[color=7d16c7]Agent Sulivan, and my partner, Agent Bautista.[/color]" He said. "[color=7d16c7]As we were just explaining to your sister here, it appears that the Skrulls have started appearing on Earth, and given that you and the rest of the Illuminati had first contact with them, we thought it'd be prudent to come have a chat.[/color]" He explained, before giving a brief side eye to Niah, hoping she'd be paying attention to read Britain's response, [color=7d16c7]"We've come to understand that you and your team were captured by the Skrulls during your encounter with them, would you mind going into detail on that, specifically with regards to your escape? I know this is sudden, and I hate to rush, but time isn't on our side at the moment.[/color]" He smiled at him, in the event Britain wasn't a Skrull, any knowledge he had could be of great use and importance, so he looked forward to hearing what he had to say.