Again what this man was saying made no sense to Gabriel Both of the faction names meant nothing to him, and calling his suit "High-Tech" Gabriel always did his best to keep the nearly ten year old hunk of metal looking its best, but that only hid the well aged machine under the hood. Then the kid not knowing really what a Newtype was threw him for a loop again. It was clear that this pilot was younger than Gabriel so how did he not know what he was? Gabriel had basically been abducted at the age of 16 when his abilities started to manifest and the UNE new very well how to train and hone Newtypes for battle. What made this kid different. Too many pieces weren't fitting into place and Gabriel had many questions, but when Black Star offered a meeting inside his ship with his commanding officer that seemed like more than a tempting offer. "[color=8dc73f]A meeting sounds good, something is off here and sitting at a table to talk it out sounds much nicer than sitting in our suits unsure if the other will make an attack.[/color]" he replied to Black Star agreeing to meet with the captain. It wasn't long before two other mobile suits showed themselves, one another Newtype who seemed to know what Black Star was talking about and the other seemed to be a normal human, although he gave allegiance another faction Gabriel had never heard of. They both seemed just as confused as Gabriel and this Black Star person. After introducing himself Gabriel suggested Black Star lead the way so that introductions could be made in person.