[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/9f868d60-9a0b-4db3-a097-126db95acae8.gif[/img] [h1][color=fff257]Acion Nakamiji[/color][/h1][hr][/center] The rest of the school days were uneventful and grindy at worst. His curriculum put him in classes that lean more on the technical science rather than social, and as a result, Acion was rather surprised at how much assignments were given out to him on the first day, a stark contrast to the mere introductory classes before lunch. While the most of them would not be due the next day, he preferred if he got it finished while the iron is still hot. And to make even further use of his long commute time, Acion did some of them while on the train home. Once he was back, what greeted him was a silent and locked house, just as expected. His sister had already left for her hero works, but not before leaving a neat little dish of rice and salmon, accompanied by a bowl of Shchi soup. A pleasant surprise indeed, he hadn't had it for a while, and that time were still vivid as if they were yesterday. A cherry on-top for what was otherwise a successful start to his school year. The next day's classes followed exactly the same pattern as the afternoon of the day before: long, grindy and uneventful, and more assignments. Despite knowing and having interests in science, the sign of fatique was plastered all over his face as he walked into his final class, which also happened to be the Hero class. From the back of his head, he begged for something interesting. If it's anything about hero history, organizations or definition, his neck would hurt after this. But thankfully, he wasn't disappointed. [color=fff257][i]'Villain? Very interesting.'[/i][/color] He actually never did this kind of exercise, let alone being a villain. But it might just end up being a 'Red versus Blue' kind of training, something in which he did know a little something about. The teacher did indicate that the Hero would be judged on how they conduct their exercise as well, something which did pique his interests. He'd probably have to face some sort of deficits to balance this out? Well, only one way to find that out. After changing into his gym clothes, he made a beeline for the training ground. It really did look like ground zero of a cataclysmic explosion. Everything looked like it hadn't been touched for a very long time. Is this really safe like the teacher said? But considering he would probably not touch the area with a ten foot pole for like half the exercise, Acion could brush his concern off his shoulders for now.