[@Crazy Scion] Lise politely smiled at the couple as the crass one guided the indecently-clothed one off to dance. It was clear to Lise that being agreeable was a lesson the boy had yet to learn. It was no matter. He was likely better off on the dance floor than amidst the company of the ball. Of course, Lise would make sure that everyone is aware of his choice to dance. With a quick gesture to one of her shadows, she directed a servant to the overhead catwalk. A spotlight on the couple as they danced would no doubt enhance their romantic night... Would it not? Hopefully the others on the dance floor would at least give them the space they required. At the very least, the eyes of the ball on the girl and boy would hopefully make them realize their mistakes. Lise would have preferred a less drastic method, but there was no other choice. Lise took a quick breath, and exhaled with a sigh. She tried to return her thoughts back to that of an elegant ball's host. Lise's eyes scanned the crowd, looking for the telltale sign of her cousin. Despite the setting of a masquerade, Lise was certain she could tell Elise apart from the rabble that made up the people of the ball. Although there were hundreds of people around her, Lise couldn't help but feel set apart, perhaps because of her innate elegance and beauty compared to the commoners, or the lack of a fellow member of her royal family. Her dear cousin would help set her at ease, she was certain. It only took her a few moments before she spotted Elise, weaving amongst the crowd. Elise's black dress blended in well with the shadows of the ball, making it almost seem like she was part of them. Lise took the initiative to follow after her, trying to catch up with Elise as she moved.