[hr][color=papayawhip][sup][h1] [center][img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/7Xv18N9uBTW62M4ke3/giphy.gif[/img][/center] [b][center][color=papayawhip]APHRODITE[/color][/center][/b] [/h1][/sup][/color][indent][sub][COLOR=papayawhip][I]APARTMENT ~> THE BALL[/I][/COLOR][/sub][/indent][indent][sup][right][COLOR=papayawhip][b]mood: drop. dead. gorgeous[/b][/color][/right][/sup][/indent][hr] [color=darkgray][i]Days ago... It was quite a busy day for Aphrodite. She sat at a chair lined with red velvet, her blonde hair up in a tight bun as she was dressed appropriately for her work. She was currently talking to the last of her clients for the day before she will go for a week-long spa and rejuvenation treatment for the upcoming Ball set by the Romans. The goddess of love will never pass the opportunity to attend any party, though she regretted not going to Hercules' because of a prior commitment. Still, she doubted his kin will welcome her with open arms after what she did at the last Conclave. She guessed she'll give it a try and go to Jupiter's Ball instead; she supposed it will be a better chance to show everyone how sorry she was. "...and that's why I've felt hollow ever since." She was snapped back to reality from her thoughts when she heard her client speak. Ah, yes. Sitting across from her was her last client: Georgia Fortman, a 63-year-old with grey streaks on her shoulder-length brown hair. Aphrodite was impressed with the woman's fashion choices, she could tell she was a woman of high class and stature as she did say she was a very successful businesswoman. She had a gorgeous mansion with dozens of servants following her will with her own private jet and helicopter and properties in almost every country in the world, yet the goddess could see the lifelessness in her eyes. She supposed anyone would have that glassy look when the love of their life died. [color=papayawhip]"I'm very sorry for your loss, Mrs. Fortman. I too had a partner who died just recently. Even though he was my ex, he still held a place in my heart. Now-"[/color] "Do you really think that, Ms. Beuregard?" Mrs. Fortman interrupted, looking at the goddess directly. [color=papayawhip]"Do I think what, Mrs. Fortman?"[/color] "That they will stay in our hearts? Forever?" Aphrodite uncomfortably shifted on her seat and adjusted her glasses. [color=papayawhip]"W-Why, yes, of course, Mrs. Fortman. I loved my ex like any other man in my life and even though we were separated, he had made a huge impact on my life. Such a person will of course have a special place in my heart."[/color] She could tell Mrs. Fortman wasn't satisfied with her answer. She stared off through the window without saying a word, almost with worrying in her eyes. Aphrodite continued to wait for a few moments before sighing. [color=papayawhip]"Mrs. Fortman, I'm sorry but I believe you'vee a mistake asking an appointment with me. I specialize in problems brought forth by love, not by the grief of death."[/color] She started to stand up. [color=papayawhip]"Don't worry, I have a friend who-"[/color] "He was a kind man." Mrs. Fortman said, and the goddess sat back to her seat with respect to the old woman. "William would always go out of his way to give back to charities, volunteer in relief operations, even provide scholarships to children here and abroad. Even when he has all the money in the world, even when he was at the top of the highest peak, it was all nothing for him. Do you know why?". Aphrodite shook her head in silence and Mrs. Fortman finally looked at her again with tears in her eyes. "Because he said that our love was the greatest achievement of his life." Aphrodite slowly nodded as her eyes began to water as well. She was not the type to easily cry but she could hear the mixture of grief, pain, and love from Mrs. Fortman's voice. She could tell that their love was powerful and genuine, and Aphrodite could rarely see this type of love among mortals these days. She picked up a box of tissues and offered it to the crying woman who took them and wiped away her tears. [color=papayawhip]"I know it is not in my place but, what happened to William, Mrs. Fortman?"[/color] The old woman sniffed and composed herself, replying to Aphrodite with a shaky voice. "He was killed in cold blood. A kind and innocent man... Those monsters killed my husband and I swear on my life that I will find whoever did it to him and I will avenge his death." She said with conviction. The goddess nodded in understanding. Love could make everyone do things they will never even thought of doing. She wanted to give her thoughts about the matter but she thought she would be out of place to do so. Besides, this was way beyond her sphere of influence. Perhaps she could pull some strings with Athena to help this widow's case. [color=papayawhip]"Have you heard anything from the police?"[/color] Mrs. Fortman shook her head. "No, but I've hired my own personal investigator anyway. He even already found a clue that the police haven't discovered yet. It may not be much of a lead but I believe it's better than nothing." She stopped, looked around warily, before leaning over to speak in hushed tones. "This is all confidential, correct?" Aphrodite already knew what she meant. [color=papayawhip]"Yes. Nothing you say will come out of this room. The only ones here are you and me."[/color] Her reply made Mrs. Fortman nod. "Good, good. Aphrodite didn't want to know what the clue was but she figured Mrs. Fortman would still say it anyway regardless. "My P.I. interviewed one of the witnesses from that day and they said the men were wearing black suits and masks. Everything happened so quickly but they did manage to see a tattoo on one of the goons' hands: it was a symbol of a red dragon."[/i] [center][color=papayawhip] ~ დ ~ [/color][/center] Presently, Aphrodite was being glammed up by her team in her apartment. They knew that this party was attended by the elite, presumably even one of the biggest and grandest Seattle had ever seen, so they knew they had to work extra hard to make Aphrodite the fairest of them all. As the goddess was being attended to by her glam team, she kept glancing at her phone every other minute. Danny, one of her dear mortal friends and also the leader of her team, noticed she kept looking at her phone. "You expecting a text, darling?" The goddess looked at Danny's reflection in the mirror and smiled. [color=papayawhip]"Oh, well... Kinda. I met this guy like days ago and we really hit it off. I just thought maybe he'd send me a call or a text, maybe even an email or letter."[/color] She shrugged. [color=papayawhip]"He might just be busy with his work."[/color] "Mhmm." Danny replied with 'that' face and got back to work on refining her make-up, earning a laugh from Aphrodite. [color=papayawhip]"[i]Mhmm?[/i] Is there something you want to tell me, Danny?"[/color] The goddess said with a laugh as Danny just raised his hands in submission. "Oh nah, it's nothing, it's nothing. I just want you to be careful with men these days. You'll never know what's running in them brains of theirs. Just, y'know. Be careful who you put in your circle, honey." Aphrodite smirked and raised an eyebrow at him. [color=papayawhip]"Hm. Thanks for those words of encouragement, I guess..."[/color] Danny smooched his lips at her before getting back to work on her beautiful face. Of course, the goddess of very wary of gods and mortals alike, especially when one of their kin mysteriously died and some of them still held a grudge at the other gods after all this time. She had no idea what the Romans' true motives were in holding this Ball but there's only one way to find out. After a while, the goddess was on the way to the Ball in her black limousine. When she got there, a valet opened the door for her and helped Aphrodite get out of her vehicle. Reporters were already flashing their cameras and focused on Aphrodite as she walked down the red carpet in her [url=https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1090/9590/products/AMY1789_1024x1024_e7c187db-ca11-4476-af48-092c2017d53f_1200x1200.jpg?v=1552991157]gown[/url], her wavy blonde hair styled in a semi-loose bun of an updo that went really well with her dress. Of course, she gave the people what they wanted and posed on the red carpet for the reporters, showing off her dazzling smile to the camera as she made sure they got captured every essence of her beautiful face and gown before walking into the ball itself. She will say though, the Romans really knew how to throw a party. Aphrodite was greeted by all of the mortal celebrities and elites within the venue, with both men and women in complete awe of her beauty. A lady even had to grab her partner's cheeks to make him look back at her which made Aphrodite giggle as she made her way further into the celebration. She could even see some of the other gods talking with the humans and enjoying the ball as well. She pondered about approaching at least one of her kin to catch up with them but Aphrodite was looking out for a particular male god. Where was he?[/color]