Big Red didn't question the Archer when she mentioned going i9n first as he pried the door open. It dragged on the ground, so maybe he should have lifted while he pulled. Meh. Once it was open Archer Girl slipped in while Druid Girl huffed cutely. [color=red]"Logic, Druid. If it doesn't go one way go the other."[/color] He murmured, keeping his voice down just in case. When no traps were found the pair slipped into the room to come to the sight of the remaining two members of the previous party. The girl with canine features was dead, clearly tortured in multiple ways. The second was hanging from the ceiling by some rope, also having been abused and tortured. His eyes didn't linger on the two, not because of how horrible the sights were, but because the room wasn't cleared yet. Nothing was secured, and if you were dead or unconscious you couldn't help anyone. [color=red]"Priorities, you two. Druid keep an eye on the girls condition. Archer, with the fairy since it likes you, help me make sure there aren't any goblins left. Dead help is no help at all."[/color] He rumbled out as he began searching the room for crevices, nooks, another doorway. He honestly didn't expect the girls condition to worsen, but it might give Druid Girl a sense of purpose instead of focusing on what couldn't be undone. Same with Archer Girl. Productivity distracted the mind.