[hider=Frolic, it's a verb for a reason darnit!] Name: Frolic (genderfluid) Primordial or Conceptual: Conceptual [hider=Domain: Play] Play is a fundamental part of life. It is exploratory. Stretching the boundaries of what exists and what can be made to exist. Stretching what you’ve done before until you’ve done something new. Play is unconcerned with duration or permanence or edifice. It is a scaffold built atop other scaffolds to get to the next place you want to build one. Play doesn’t have to have fun, goals, rules, victory, or defeat. Any living thing might play. It is at the base of how you learn and grow and heal and, sometimes, hurt. You can play by yourself or with others. Play can foster community in the same way it cultivates any possibility into reality. Play is intentful, though. The collisions of atoms or the reactions of substances to one another are not play. Play is not the same generative process that causes existence to exist (or, could the Lifeblood have been tired of nothing and choose to play?). The people who find atoms to smash together or substances to mix, grind, and cook to see what happens are at play. So is the child who says “I bet I can kick this rock between the branches of that bush!” So are the adolescents taking turns at the cliff’s edge to see who can stand at the precipice the longest. So is the woodcutter who throws their axe end over end to bury into the next day’s tree to fell. Frolic inspires Play. Those in the presence of Frolic find their curiosity heightened; their whimsy elevated; their inhibitions lessened. Or, maybe Frolic’s surroundings bend into pleasing, inviting shapes that whisper suggestions about how an observer might find diversion and wonder. Who could say? Frolic, perhaps. If asked directly, the most it would say is “both.” And the grandest scale, Frolic’s influence aims to nurture novelty and creativity in the world, pleased to see what happens next. Beyond that, its powers lie in persisting the potential for change. Widespread destruction or calamity that might empty the world are to be opposed with ingenuity, cooperation, and the easing of tension. By Play. [/hider] [hider=Portfolio: Games] Games are structured Play. They may have rules, guidelines, conventions, expectations, or even winners and losers. A game may be as simple as “first one to blink has lost” or as complex as a cross-platform networked electronic messaging system with turns and currency and progression and persistence. Games are Play producing culture. But this portfolio is not focused on the game of statecraft deciding history. Nor is it concerned with the outcome of Play settling wagers. Statecraft, gambling, sports, combat, and others are - or once were - Games. Yet the intent behind their execution in the world is rarely Play. When it is, Frolic welcomes the invitation. When it is not, Frolic has other matters to attend to. Frolic hears prayers for victory or the defeat of an opponent and laughs. That is not what matters. What matters is the experience of Playing the Game. That is what Frolic blesses or forsakes. That all participants find engagement in the activity and come away from the Game fulfilled. Will Frolic intervene to shift pieces or the order of cards or the roll of a die or the decisions of players? “Probably,” smirks Frolic. At its most direct, Frolic can manipulate the world so that the components of a game appear. Either in the long term as mortals feel the call to Play and make Games; or in the immediate sense when Wend opens her game chest and withdraws whatever materials a Game calls for. Frolic’s Domain focuses on facilitating and encouraging Play. This Portfolio narrows and intensifies that impulse, but doesn’t alter the form: facilitating and encouraging the creation and Playing of Games. [/hider] [hider=Realm: Playscape Toyment] An endless, bright, and inviting wood that will always lead you to a perfect, endless, field that goes right up to an endless, surf-licked beach with an endless pier extending to the horizon - which is the same beach. The pier is never so far from the sand or the water that you couldn’t jump off and land with the rush of uncertainty and the relief of safety. Benches and railings span as far as you would want to play at balancing, but give way to observation decks whenever the view demands to be taken in fully and wondrously. Pine cones, acorns, shiny stones, skipping stones, sticks, colorful leaves, puffy dandelions, shells, rocky boulders for climbing - and trees for that matter - are always within hand’s reach here. The sky is full of kites, just waiting for you to find their tails and hold on. The water is delightfully wavy on one side of the pier as it is crystal clear and smooth on the other. Assorted row boats await any who wish them. Just as common as the “natural” objects scattered throughout the realm, game pieces - chess figures, checkers, go stones, othello discs, balls, cards, and all kinds of polyhedral dice - can be picked up as though they dropped in the same fashion as the bits of trees or what the waves wash up. The geography had the convenient expansiveness and closeness of a dream. Impossibly adjacent scenery, yet never crowded. Uh, let's see. There's totally a tree house in the woods. And definitely a driftwood fort on the beach. Campfires wherever you want them, but never threatening their surroundings. There is a gate to Antiquity on the pier that resembles a boardwalk amusement park arch. Driftwood and tree-limb branches shape gates to Antiquity within the beach fort and tree house respectively. [/hider] [hider=Persona: "Play to find out what happens." ~ Vincent Baker] What sort of a being is a verb? A force? An impulse? Are they kinetic? Is he single-minded? Could she be inattentive? Will xe be impulsive? What other answer can there be for Frolic but: it is a hybrid of all of these. As capricious and mercurial in demeanor as they are fluid in gender, Frolic can’t help but follow their own imperative. Why else would anything exist but to be experienced? Each object and moment is an opportunity to find delight or escape the doldrums. Frolic is spurred to immediate action by the dueling influences of fixation and boredom. They are rarely concerned with “the long game.” The subject of fixation eventually grows stale. The pull from the novel grows undeniable. If Frolic can be said to have any vision or course they would steer the future towards, it is to ensure novelty and reject stagnation. Often struggling to hold their own focus on any one cause independently, they will gravitate towards their siblings’ doings seeking stimulation. Sometimes to the ire of gods who would rather not be intruded upon. [/hider] One Pin Board For All Frolic’s Forms: https://www.pinterest.com/assembledr/frolic/ [hider=Base Form: Frolic (it/it/its)] Coaxed by the laughter and mirth of mortals, Frolic rose from the Lifeblood. Of all the possibilities, how could something static ever be fulfilling? In many ways, Frolic’s base form still resembles the substance of its origin. Roiling, coiling, and boiling over with exuberance; Frolic’s Truest expression can be described as a shifting body of prismatic fluid. Imagine the splatter of an abstract painting or high-speed photograph mixed with the motion of a wind-spiral lawn ornament mixed with the shifting perspectives drawn by a 3D filament pen. Never looking precisely the same from any angle (what a simple, delightful game already!) or from moment to moment, Frolic’s vibrant form is immediately recognizable to its siblings. At its closest to being a verb, a command, a demand in this form, Frolic’s pronouns are it/it/its. [/hider] [hider=Domain Form: Frolic (any/all)] In xer Domain, Frolic appears as a human of ambiguous age, height, and gender presentation. Xe will be as playful and fickle with xer pronouns as with any of the toys and game pieces scattered around xer realm. What’s constant is levity, motion, and abundant attention doled out on a whim. The other static shapes Frolic submits to in xer realm are simple garments falling between a robe, tunic, dress, and cloak. What matters is that it twirls and flaps like so many colorful flags or the tail of a kite when xe runs, jumps, climbs, or dances. All of which is accented by an equally simple apron, perpetually grubby, with impossibly deep pockets that xe can produce untold mundane items from. With as much defiance as xe can muster, Frolic maintains a reflection of xer Base Form atop the head of this one. The shifting fluid provides yet more flowing streamers during activities, but also lends itself to a myriad hair styles or headwear. Xe will also employ xer “hair” as tendril-like appendages. [/hider] [hider=Avatar: Wend (she/her), Flock (they/them)] When indecision gripped Frolic around its mortal expression, it opted to reject making a choice and blindly dove to Galbar. So, one morning, a young woman named Wend woke with her head engulfed in a cloud of … oil? birds? Hair? Chattering with exasperation at how long she slumbered and excitement that she was now awake and could move about the world. This was neither typical nor desired for Wend, but in short order it became clear that is WAS permanent. Quirky, out-going, eager to please, enthusiastically curious, and afraid of rejection; Wend has taken to the itinerant life of a wandering Avatar with a mix of glee and trepidation. Getting to fly and a freedom from certain physical threats has sweetened the deal. Wend is an unassuming-looking young woman having just left childhood behind when she was taken by Frolic. Her taste in clothes is based on practicality and comfort over fashion. Whatever she’s wearing, it has pockets. Usually, a large pocket is located at her midriff. A travelling pack, walking stick (or is it a broom?), and a rugged chest of assorted game pieces have become mainstays of Wend’s wardrobe and accouterments. She similarly sought practical and comfortable hairstyles in her past life - which she remembers wistfully, but with growing appreciation for the joy she finds in her new life - but that is no longer her choice. Frolic literally took root in her scalp as much as it metaphysically did in her mind, soul, and matter. Wend’s hair still looks like human hair, but the braids, bangs, buns, pigtails, pony tails, parts, curls, waves, ringlets, and assorted locks come and go. Like a flock of birds, a school of fish, a system of orbiting planets, and the tails of a kite - Frolic makes itself externally known through the ever changing and independently expressive swarm of hair that Wend has dubbed “the Flock.” Internally, Frolic expresses itself to Wend on a pre-verbal, synthesized level. When Wend speaks back to Frolic by addressing the Flock, it is often unclear whether she uses the singular or plural they/them. An ambiguity Frolic rejoices in and encourages. The Flock is capable of interacting with physical objects in a prehensile or manipulator capacity. Differing segments of hair have been seen to exhibit different personality traits and mannerisms when moving atop Wend’s head or in mid-air. Sometimes, Wend’s flight looks like the Flock lifting her by her head. Other times, she sits upon her walking stick or game box. Which manner is indicative of who’s will and direction is taking control. [/hider] [hider=Music Playlist] Tomorrow is My Dancing Day by Paul Winter https://open.spotify.com/track/0ukGEGDhJzWbtSDUCuhgqa?si=ABaGfoABSRizSBxyjPssbQ Swagger by Flogging Molly https://open.spotify.com/track/2cyiBmoCDxSWDw03YArh3E?si=mXAF29BRTm6Fi7ptf-yz_A WAKA LAKA!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://open.spotify.com/track/1DjzVSTpAeFNv67hdNtva0 [/hider] [/hider]