[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=99CC00]Matthew Madigan[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/636570892754878484/J9pTL8B.jpg[/img] [I]Location: The Woods Skills: [/I][/center] [hr][hr] Matthew gave Colby an incredulous look. He couldn’t belive him. Yes the gesture was kind and very much appreciated, but he was also being such a little shit. He didn't know if he wanted to punch his arm again or give him a hug. It was all rather confusing for him and the butterflies that swirled in his stomach everytime Colby cracked a smile didn't help. Finally he settled on a bit of both. Matthew gave the boy another light tap on the arm just before pulling him into a tight hug and speaking so only he could hear with his head buried in his shoulder. [Color=99CC00]"T-thats w-w-wondeful. But I d-don't want to find out what happens i-if I lose you. So please...t-think next time."[/color] A single tear threatened to roll down his cheek. The large blob teetering on his lash as he wiped it away and gave Layla a glare. [Color=99CC00]"I-It was a mistake. Deal with it."[/color] Her look could kill, but his would raze a city. The sound of bubbling water and voices broke his glance as he watched [i]The[/i] Lady of the Lake come forth and place the sword into the stone. Ofcourse he knew this wasn't his story and he wasn’t able to claim such a birthright. But a small part of him wished to try it out anyways. The glint of light from the pommel twinkled in his eyes as he thought of at least touching the legendary sword. However before he could twitch even one finger, Wednesday Adams gave it a try and plucked it out with ease. That solved that and his chance had fluttered away.