[quote=@Danvers] [hider=Caleb Bishop][centre][img]https://imgur.com/1A8bPLJ.png[/img] [centre][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/36/15/c5/3615c5796172b3f6a04c5c1191e56b04.gif[/img][/centre] [color=3DBAD9]Name:[/color] Caleb Bishop [color=3DBAD9]Gender / Preferred Pronouns:[/color] Male/He [color=3DBAD9]Age:[/color] 18 [color=3DBAD9]Birthday:[/color] June 21st [color=3DBAD9]Sexuality:[/color] Pansexual [centre][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2a/d7/8d/2ad78db86ae249e35824282b06dbcd21.gif[/img][/centre] [color=3DBAD9]Appearance:[/color] Standing just under 6ft, Caleb is just reaching above average height. Not exactly scrawny but nor particularly well-built, he is at least gifted with a body that can seemingly consume enough food to fill a football stadium, without gaining weight. His hair is a mess of dark brown curls that even when he attempts to style it, still ends up looking like he's just rolled out of bed. Despite his best attempts, he so far has been unable to grow a beard or moustache of any substance, which is of a constant disappointment to the teen. His most pronounced feature is probably his lips, which are usually turned up in either a cocky smile or opened in gestures of laughter. He has a small and now pretty faint scar running horizontal across the bridge of his nose, which he received during a particularly rough bout of play fighting with one of his brothers. Caleb has dark brown eyes, which are incredibly expressive and which consequently are a window to a lot of what he is thinking/feeling. Caleb has two bands tattooed across the forearm of his left arm, which he has had for around a year now. He also used to have a small nose stud but he took this out just before joining the coven. His style isn't particularly outstanding and is pretty akin to most teenage guys his age. He will however, attempt to wear shorts in almost every weather, even if this is also whilst he's donning a hoody, gloves and scarf. When he is particularly tired, or on the rare occasion that he is in a bad mood, he will usually take to wearing sunglasses...even if he is indoors. [color=3DBAD9]Personality:[/color] Growing up around more family members than you can count on two hands does not lend well to those of a quiet or faint of heart nature. Luckily, Caleb was neither of these. Enthusiastic, bold and boisterous, Caleb is a true extrovert. He hates spending time alone and will forever be looking for someone to hang out with. He has no qualms with walking up to complete strangers and striking up a conversation, and has always found a natural ease in making friends. Rarely one to take things seriously, he's usually cracking a joke or laughing at times when he should probably be being serious, a habit which often landed him in trouble at school. Though of reasonable intelligence, Caleb found school boring and would often play truant, and has such developed a particular knack for being to escape a room without anyone else noticing. Caleb can be extremely loyal and protective to those who cares about, particularly his younger siblings. He is not one to be afraid of showing warmth and care towards others. Though he doesn't seem to acknowledge this himself, he has always had a gift of making others feel at ease and knowing just what to say to offer someone comfort (even if this often involves making a stupid joke). Caleb hates seeing other people upset and will go out of the way to at least try make them feel better. Although he tries his hardest to get along with even the most unlikable of people, he is by no means a pushover and will stand up for himself when the time calls for it. Caleb is the definition of a night owl. He can be extremely difficult to wake in the mornings and will always stubbornly try get that extra 5 or 10 minutes of sleep. He loves being up at night and can often be found awake when everyone else has gone to sleep. [centre][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ce/96/67/ce9667d9a79e5b14a541394cbea57102.gif[/img][/centre] [color=3DBAD9]Biography:[/color] The Bishop family originally hailed from Salem itself, and suffered greatly during the witch trials. Seeking refuge from those who would seek to harm them, Calebs ancestors moved to Ferndale, California at the beginning of 1693. Ferndale was barely a town at this time and the Bishops were largely instrumental in helping the Shaw brothers to build it up. They have been there ever since and are a well-known and well-liked family in the region. Since the early 1800s the Bishop family have also been skilled vampire hunters and are renowned for their abilities throughout the covens on the west coast. Although initially it was the males of the family who generally took on the mantle of vampire hunter, as the world modernised and views became less archaic, the females of the family also begun to get involved too. It is as consequence of this that most of the Bishop family prefer to focus on the more [I]physically[/I] based magics, rather than say healing or illusions. Born on the summer solstice, Caleb grew up as part of a large and loud family. His parents were high school sweethearts, with his mother first becoming pregnant with their eldest, Tucker, at the young age of 18. As the middle child, the witchling grew up surrounded by six siblings; the three eldest are Tucker (22), Mason (20) and Lucy (19), whilst the three youngest are Sam (14), Jenny (11) and Regan (11). Although not particularly poor, raising so many children in a house built for four at the most, meant that things were always just that little bit cramped, with Caleb having to share a room with his two older brothers. Their home, which has affectionately been known as 'Doris' for centuries now, is one that has been passed down through the Bishop family line and one that appears to be held together largely through sheer willpower (and a hefty sprinkle of magic here and there). Growing up in a small town, surrounded by plenty of family and friends has provided Caleb with a rather sheltered upbringing, and he has known little loss or suffering. Never one for school he, much to the frustration of his parents, began to grow increasingly truant during his teenager years. Luckily this didn't extend to his practice of magic and he would often be found playing around with it when he should be in class. His mother even tried to homeschool him for a couple of months when he was fourteen but that only resulted in him playing truant from his own home too. All was going smoothly for Caleb, and he was expecting to be joining the same coven as his older siblings, when his youngest sister Jenny became extremely sick. The family tried everything to heal her but even the strongest of magics did not seem to work, and they were eventually forced to turn to modern medicine. Requiring a highly specialist involvement, his family eventually had to move to New York approximately one year ago. Moving to a huge city and having to leave behind their beloved Doris was a huge shock to the whole family and they have only just begun to adjust. Caleb was sad to leave his friends behind, both humans and witchlings alike, it instead being decided that he would complete his initiation with the Dying Branch Coven. [color=3DBAD9]Notable Rumors:[/color] That Caleb gained the scar on his nose from wrestling a werewolf (Caleb would say that his brother is pretty damn close to a werewolf anyway). [color=3DBAD9]Greatest Fear:[/color] Caleb is terrified of needles and will do almost anything to avoid getting his blood taken/having a shot. [color=3DBAD9]Magic:[/color] [b]Strengths[/b] [u]Telekinetic magic[/u] Put simply, Caleb is most proficient at the branch of magic pertaining to the control and manipulating of physical matter through the mind. This magic requires high levels of energy & subsequently large sacrifices, therefore his skills at present are generally limited to the manipulation of objects (e.g. pushing/pulling them, levitating them). It generally works better on stationary objects, although he has ben known to levitate his familiar, Bast, on occasion. Caleb has also been using it to work on a rudimentary form of a force-field, which could be used to repel attacks and weapons. Theoretically this branch of magic could be used to simulate flight but he has not really focused much on practicing this, aside from being able to levitate a few inches off the ground. [b]Neutral[/b] [u]Elemental magic[/u] By no means a weakness, Caleb has a basic proficiency with the four basic elements and can be relied on to use these if required. He is by no means an expert in them though and they are not necessarily his go to. [b]Weaknesses[/b] Any magic that requires a slow and methodical approach is one that could be classed as Calebs weakness, including both potions and charms. [color=3DBAD9]Other:[/color] Caleb has [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/a4/41/f9/a441f90e5d0926c1f2251b26ca2b7cec.jpg]this[/url] tattooed on his left arm. His familiar is a [url=https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/53adb125e4b094aac18a8ee7/1535401445223-LGHEW4LVKO46Q4F9M1LR/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kIex8OphTLRJ8zEeC4tz03gUqsxRUqqbr1mOJYKfIPR7LoDQ9mXPOjoJoqy81S2I8GRo6ASst2s6pLvNAu_PZdJsA9YPA2G5IQrIK4Z4_Al2V3oth9piDmVZS3gaDVLS10sbaqpZk3FMti7p-rXz2Pg/Juliet-10.jpg]Savannah cat[/url] named Bast. He once won a local hotdog eating competition when he was only 15 years old. He still enjoys hotdogs to this day. Calebs hobbies include surfing, skateboarding and drawing (although the latter one he keeps to himself and he [I]never[/I] shows anyone his drawings). [/centre][/hider] [/quote] OMG I LOVE HIM Accepted C: [quote=@Jumbus] Completed application [hider=David Thompson] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/e82mm8b.png[/img] [h1][color=7ea7d8]David Thompson[/color][/h1] Gender: Male Age: 19 Birthday: May 7th Sexuality: Straight (possibly something else, hasn't explored) [color=7ea7d8][u]Location[/u][/color] David lived for most of his life in Melbourne, he has recently moved into the coven house (2 years ago) [color=7ea7d8][u]Appearance[/u][/color] David is 6'1" has an athletic and somewhat buff. A typical body type for a boxer in training. Heavy Aussie accent. Fashion: David keeps it practical, shoes: sneakers, pants: boxing shorts or jeans (depending on the weather), shirt: polos mainly with button ups for special occasions, jacket: [color=7ea7d8]"When I turned 15 my dad gave me an oversized Harrington jacket. Fits me just right now. If its cold I'll put it on, don't need another one."[/color] Demeanor: David is confrontational and is a tough nut to crack both physically and emotionally. While his physical strength comes from fighting and training, his emotional 'strength' comes from never letting people in. This turns out to be a weakness more often than not. [color=7ea7d8][u]Personality[/u][/color] Since his father's alcoholism, David hasn't been one to open up to others. He felt into the wrong crowds without a present parental figure and hasn't felt a sense of family since then. He keeps himself together with confidence and a confrontational demeanor. He was and, to a degree, still is prone to fights but would never lay a finger on those he considers family. Even though he is too young to drink legally in America, he still always finds a way to produce a fake id. When it comes to magic, David is a slacker. Barely putting in the minimum effort to learn and zero chance of outside practice. He generally gives of the vibe he doesn't care much for it. When talking to others he has a great amount of confidence. However, this is a facade and doesn't reflect how he talks to people he knows well. [color=7ea7d8][u]Biography[/u][/color] Claire Howell, David's mother, was an American tourist. When she met David's dad Henry Thompson, she decided to stay for a while. She moved in to his home in Sydney and one day Chester Thompson was born. It was a nice house and a happy home. But it was only one year into the child's life that Claire had realized she had been away from the coven too long. She wanted Henry and little Chester to come with her back to America. This didn't go well. Henry had never been told about the coven before because Claire had hid it from him under the fear he would misunderstand. Her fears were true and there was a grave misunderstanding. [color=7ea7d8]"I was too young to know my mother before dad showed her out the door to go back to America. When I came of age he finally told me, that my mother was part of a satanic cult. Apparently she wanted to sacrifice me or something. He told me how lucky we were to still be here."[/color] Chester Thompson had his first name changed to David and they moved to Melbourne, Henry Thompson truly believed he was protecting his son and needed to hide him. So, from there Henry raised David as a single father and David was content with life. Until Henry begun drinking. [color=7ea7d8]"Some time when I was around 12 he started hitting the bottle hard. I didn't know it at the time, but it was a mix of doubt, regret and guilt that did him there. What was a young kid hitting his teens supposed to do with that? Except get into some mischief."[/color] David made a small name for himself on the Melbourne streets, a back alley boxer was one of the main ones among other school dropouts. That was the main part of his teen years, fending and fighting for money to keep the house afloat. [color=7ea7d8]"I was making some money, just enough to get by. That was until this one fight when I was 17 almost hitting 18. It was a proper punch up until someone decided to pull a knife. What could I do but defend myself, it was just my luck I stabbed him in a place you don't get up from." "It was to my shock later on during interrogation, I find out that hes perfectly fine as if healed by magic. And that's when my mum came in with some other women. It was an ultimatum either go over to the States with mum or wait until trail and get charged with assault as an adult. Easy choice to make, at least I might have a fighting chance to escape some cultists and it would make for a great big f***ing story. But when my mom saw me and she started tearing up, I have to say, that cleared things up for me a lot."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"You see I love my dad. I still love him, even if he's run himself down for these later years. I know that, in his heart, all he did was to keep me safe. But finding out that for all these years he was wrong? Yeah that took some time to forgive. I think even some part in his heart knew that he was wrong. That why he started hitting the piss I reckon."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"This all wasn't to say the coven is all sweets and roses but it isn't what he thought it was. Some of the Sisters don't look too kindly on me, I don't blame 'em. My mother left the coven for years because of my dad, then that same man takes her son away. In their eyes I think they see me as the next one from my family to screw them over, or just someone to run away again. To be honest, they might be right. But I can't forgive some of them whispering that all my dad was is a useless alcoholic and my mum was a fool for ever staying in the first place. There was something there, I'm going to prove them wrong."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"There are some that support my mom, truth be told thats the only reason why I'm here as well. I just want to catch up with my mom, I haven't seen her since before I can remember and maybe, just maybe, I might convince her to forgive dad somewhere down the line. I know he still loves her, I just hope she might feel the same."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"I haven't been making myself at home, my mum knows it and somehow she could pull a few favors. There are some witches my age and I'll be staying with them over the summer. I was even at that bonding ritual thing, of course I wasn't allowed to participate. I wasn't allowed to even talk to them until the next day, but I think that part might of been the lies of a witch who has it out for me. Either way, they have also said if I can prove myself here they will consider bonding me to the wellspring. I don't know what they mean by wellspring and proving myself. But they speak highly of it as if its something I care about, or at least something I should care about.[/color] [color=7ea7d8][u]Greatest Fear[/u][/color] Losing the ones he loves [color=7ea7d8][u]Magic[/u][/color] [color=7ea7d8]Strong suit: Support magic[/color] David has the uncanny magical talent for both healing and supporting others. Many spells from this school of magic, much to David's reluctance, comes naturally to him and with ease. This does not extend to uses on himself however. When it comes to using this power selfishly, he is incapable. [color=7ea7d8]Weak Suit: Just about everything else[/color] David is new to learning magic and while he doesn't have any clearly defined weaknesses he performs magic to the competence level of a 7 year old witchling. The only excepting to this is the above strong suit. [color=7ea7d8][u]Other skills[/u][/color] Boxing Not like it will matter in the world of magic, but David can hold his own in a fist fight. Intimidation David is not a weak looking bloke. He has the uncanny ability to look dangerous, even if he is easily the weakest witch in the coven for his age. [color=7ea7d8][u]Rumors[/u][/color] There is a rumor that David has a familiar, there is a bluebird that always seems to follow him. He doesn't even mention the bird if someone brings it up. But some have seen him comforting the bird when he thinks no one is looking. [color=7ea7d8]"There certainly are a few running around aye, some of the Sisters don't seem to like me. They spread quite a few things, not that I could tell you what they're saying."[/color] David knows where to get fake ids and plans to sneak of to a pub the first chance he gets. This is true. [color=7ea7d8]Color:[/color] David's color is blue 7ea7d8 [hider=Theme Song] Public persona [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6u_r7aLKWi4[/youtube] While alone [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8N_PXTGdlGw[/youtube] [/hider] [/center] [/hider] [/quote] *resident bad boy walks into the chat* accepted!