[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/nn5VWsV.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/XRra6ku.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/X80qf44.png[/img] [b][code]The Dollhouse Club.[/code][/b][/center][hr] "We shouldn't," Madison answered Herik as she realized that maybe this isn't a fight that they can win - or should even try to win. "We need to get the hell out of here!" A fire was extinguished in Johnny's eyes as the spooky ho was yanked away by a fuckin' ghost lion. [i]Fuckin' Aberrations.[/i] Johnny thought to himself before he was hit right in the dick with something - it was like a rock hit him. [i]"Mah dick!"[/i] Johnny shouted as he grabbed his dick, and on reflex, he managed to teleport away to another stray card. He wanted to save Babylon, but he also didn't want to risk his dick for her! He disappeared in a cloud of smoke, never to appear again. Luis was sent flying towards the wall by Lyss' attack and hit the wall full force. It left a hole in as there was a sickening crack as bones were shattered - hitting Luis with an attack that would kill any other human being. He was covered in his own blood... and then he put one hand on one side, and another hand on the other and then forced himself out of the mini-crater. The blood that he lost was sucked back into his body as the same sickening cracking noise was heard as he near-instantly regenerated. He looked to the side... Babylon had hit the wall [i]even harder[/i] due to transforming into gold again. Which wasn't wise as she should have just dodged. There were a few dents on [i]her[/i] but she survived the vicious bash into the wall and merely cracked her neck as she turned back to normal. She was free from Lyss' grasp and couldn't help but crack a little wicked grin. She looked towards Luis and then she hauled ass towards their little escape hatch - or where she saw them run off to. "Zara!" Luis shouted and the Abscised that was guarding the exit door activated her abstraction... and the room was filled with a strange, light-blue, mist that covered their exit. Lyss most likely would sense their presence fading more and more - until it was gone, and the fog faded away. The whole time, Madison had her guard up and was ready to punch anyone or anything that tried to sneak her. When the smoke cleared, all of the Dollhouse members were [i]gone[/i]. They knew that it was best to cut and run as their own members had done. Madison sighed as she floated up into the air as she said, "C'mon, let's go!" She flew out of the room and then everyone [i]scrambled[/i] to their vehicles. [center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/1tJdWt7.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/dIfRnRE.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/TcTq4jK.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/S6HNUBy.png[/img] [b][code]The Dollhouse club.[/code][/b][hr][/center] "Oh, well," Emily said with a smug look on her face as she shrugged. Completely ignoring the situation to bicker with Maya... like she hasn't been doing [i]that[/i] for months now. "I'm sure you had a [i]grand[/i] plan - oh let me guess." Emily chuckled as she put her hands up, doing mini-jazz hands as she taunted, "You were going to suck her dick if she let you go. It [i]isn't[/i] like a slut like yourself knows [i]anything[/i] else." [hr] The sound blast directed towards Kimberly sent her [i]flying[/i]. Right into a wall! Trevor had a goofy smile on his face as he aimed the rifle at her, getting ready to make up one cool one-liner.... then this giant psychopath charged at Kimberly, screaming gibberish or something! Trevor's eyes shot wide open as the giant moron [i]got in the way of his shot[/i]. "Dude!" Trevor shouted, "You're blockin' my shot!" [quote=Mariah][color=#F3128D]"--fuckin' explain yoursel' GRINGA--"[/color][/quote] Kimberly was still on her side as Mariah charged at her with that fan in hand. Kimberly grinned as she hopped up to her feet [i]oddly fast[/i]. She shrugged with a smug look on her face, "Sorry, but you've been used." She started, "Now you're [i]useless;[/i] go back to Tampa, [i]trash[/i]." She just stood there as Mariah got closer and closer... ... Before Kimberly suddenly dived at Mariah once she got close and kicked her leg from under her with some surprising speed. She quickly turned around on her heel and hauled ass out the door. "Fuckin'!" Trevor shouted as he fired off a shot at Kimberly... and fucking missed. The wall exploded as the bullet collided with it and Trevor figured he'd stop shooting. He pressed his earpiece as he took off after Kimberly, "Aye! She's running off!" "On it!" Leon shouted as his glowing eye appeared in the sky and gave him a bird's eye view of Kimberly. He quickly ran through the streets of Miami after Kimberly as he saw the police pulling up fast... shit. "I'm still trying to take care of the girls!" Helena shouted, "I'll catch up!" Trevor was hot on this girl's tail as they were running behind the stores and bars of downtown Miami. A thought went through his head as he figured that he'd be filling out a [i]lot[/i] of paperwork after this. Might as well add some more, he had a clean shot on Kimberly as he dropped to his knee and looked down the sight of his weapon. It felt wrong shooting her in the back like this, but she deserved it after what she did - bitch was a psychopath! He waited until his breath was at its peak, and then Trevor took the shot; the explosive blast of the bullet hit Kimberly square in the back. She screamed as she fell forward... but still could [i]somehow[/i] fucking crawl? Huh? She climbed to her feet despite having a 5.56 round in her back and turned the corner. "Aw no, you fuckin' don't!" Trevor hopped to his feet and took off after Kimberly as fast as he could - so fast that he almost tripped. When Trevor rounded the corner, it was a dead-end... and Kimberly was [i]gone[/i]. He heard Leon running up as he turned towards him and shouted, "Where the hell did she go?!" "I dunno, I had eyes on her the whole time," Leon said, "She just... disappeared." Trevor loudly sighed as he hung his head then shouted. [h3][b][i]"God damn it all!" [/i][/b][/h3] [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/nn5VWsV.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/XRra6ku.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/1tJdWt7.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/dIfRnRE.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/TcTq4jK.png[/img] [b][code]Miami Merchandise Mall Parking Lot.[/code][/b][hr][hider=Zack Hemsey - The Zoo][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N1pwi_As-GM[/youtube][/hider][hr][/center] Fortunately, with the help of the DENS, the Coven was allowed to avoid a long, long, talk with the police. They quickly hauled ass back to the mall slash their hotel room, but the DENS had requested that they have a "meeting". Which certain members weren't super on board with, but the DENS insisted. So they assembled in the parking lot, not looking super happy due to what happened. Madison was leaned up against her SUV with her arms crossed, and patiently waited with her eyes closed, it was a pretty tense and silent affair. Then Emily broke the silence. "... I just [i]knew[/i] we shouldn't have trusted that slut!" Emily hissed as she pushed herself off that car, and made it abundantly clear that she was [i]not[/i] happy with what she heard. Though, to be fair she was totally on board with Kimberly's [i]stupid[/i] plan only because she was [i]hoping[/i] that it would work - Not that she thought it was a good idea. "She just used us to play her [i]stupid[/i] ass games with [i]our[/i] lives." Madison kept her mouth shut because... there was something [i]off[/i] about the whole thing. However, Emily turned her attention to Penny, "... And I can't find a reason why [i]you're[/i] still even here," She hissed at her as she crossed her arms. "You need to get out of here, we don't want you." "Oh my fuckin' God, Emily," Madison hissed as she hopped off her car and faced her. "Will you fucking chill for one God damn second?! Jesus Christ." She fueled this fire out of stress. "... I'm just stating facts here," Emily was unphased, "Unless you want to side with your little friends." "What we need to be fucking asking was why were the feds there!" Madison clapped right back. "You know why," Emily chuckled as everyone probably should have got what she meant - except for the big meatheads like Herik. The DENS showed up in their black tinted windows sedan and pulled up right in front of the group... and they all got out one at a time as the two girls faced them. They looked a little sad about [i]something[/i] but Madison kind of hoped that it wasn't what she thought it was. Helena had her hands together as she tried to professionally stand before them. Trevor had leaned up against the car as he tried to avoid eye contact and Leon... he sighed as he put his hands together and walked up to the group. "... What's wrong?" Emily asked. "I really hate to cut to the chase," Leon answered. "Just come out with it," Madison hissed. "I regret to inform you that Claudette, she..." Leon trailed off. "No, don't fuckin' tell me..." Madison hissed under her breath. "... She didn't make it."