[center][color=lightblue][h1][b]Tenshi Hokori[/b][/h1][/color] [hider=Appearance][img]https://em.wattpad.com/6a4f246f6352b75637aea78d54a2ee3de5a81773/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f47316b4d6f794d396e4b374378413d3d2d3536322e3135656362356231666332663464353233353634333834333730382e6a7067[/img][/hider][/center] [hr] [indent]Just entered a village and was about to be treated to a free meal Tenshi had to admit to himself so far he was enjoying himself in this village. Then the first question came about if his village had ramen and did they eat seaweed and octopus, to which Tenshi responded quickly to, [color=lightblue]"Well I am not sure of any place that doesn't have some sort of Ramen. As for the seaweed and octopus, I wouldn't know about eating any seaweed, but Octopus I haven't eaten any myself I do know some people do."[/color] Tenshi followed easily as he just looked around quickly he got a feel of his surroundings. He quickly noticed that his chaperone kept looking back to see if he had stopped following. Not really surprised by this, but he was more surprised by the way he been treated so far. With the relationship of their opposing villages he expected a little more distance but this was rather friendly maybe it was just this guys personality or Tenshi was wrong with his expectations of how he would be treated in this village. After Kuroki talked about Tenshi being the Raikage's kid, his comment was quick, [color=lightblue]"Is that really common knowledge here? Well if it is or not, it isnt like I am her actual son. If anything happened to me she would just be upset that I wasted village resources by pushing for this mission."[/color] The banter between the guy Tenshi presumed was the shop owner and Kuroki started as the orders finished up for some sake. After the man left Tenshi said, [color=lightblue]"On the village's tab? So this isn't your treat then its your Hokage's treat! Any way, hope the Hokage doesn't mind a cloud shinobi drinking on his tab on his first day in the village. So what do I call you? I should know who I am dining with or at least your name."[/color][/indent]