Cassandra headed downstairs to the warm smell of pancakes, but she wasn’t hungry today. Instead, she decided to head down to the potions room. Alchemy was never exactly her thing, but she had a couple of in-progress projects to check on. Distilled starlight, boiled wisp essence… looks like I’ve got everything I need. This should be pretty straightforward. The cursewright put her ingredients in, watching as the potion turned a deep royal blue. It looked a tad darker than what she expected, but that could just be a trick of the light. Fortunately, it seemed there was already someone there who could help her. [color=DCDCDC]“Hey, Rowan,”[/color]she said, giving the other witch a gentle tap on the shoulder, [color=DCDCDC]“does this look right for a clear mind potion? I’m not entirely sure.”[/color]