[@Crimson Flame] [color=deepskyblue]“Oh... um... I-I-I guess so... My father bred him just for me as a birthday gift, and I’ve been raising him ever since he was a little baby puppy.”[/color] He started petting his Rockruff’s head. [color=deepskyblue]”Isn’t that right Rocky?”[/color] Rocky let out a happy “Ruff!” In agreement. Evey wanted to roll her eyes, but she managed to keep it together. So was he [i]trying[/i] to play nice? His answer wasn't one at all, nonetheless she smiled thinly in reply. [color=orange]"Ah, I see!"[/color] Perhaps later she'd be able to figure out whether his Rockruff was bred for power or speed. But it was time for class. She tapped the pokeball by her belt assuredly. [color=orange]"Looking forward to seeing how you all rank in the tournament today! Later!"[/color] With a final bright smile, and a toss of her hair, she was walking towards Class 2B. [@Ryik] [color=yellow]"If you're looking for a battle, you might have to wait a while. We have class, after all"[/color] Masaru sighed. [color=red]"Tch, fine. I guess it'd be nice to see how you all do in the homeroom tournaments first."[/color] He glanced towards Evey walking away before turning back to Troy once more. [color=red]"You better be ready the next time I challenge you. Later."[/color] Masaru left, and all that was left was for the transfer students to enter. [hr] Class 2-A was a very large and colorful room for 24 students. There were skeletal diagrams of pokemon, plenty of maps, charts, and models. To their left and right were bookshelves and cabinets filled with supplies, while the other back half of the room was large and strangely filled with many toys, cushions, and soft rugs. Arranged in rows of five, the desks were wide, large enough for laptops and textbooks. Their teacher was a young graduate student by the title Professor Caprea, already sitting at her desk and rifling through papers. She was of average height, with her brown hair in a bun and wearing a labcoat over her blouse and slacks. Her green eyes were pleasantly crinkled, and her smile was broad in her square shaped face. There were a few whispers as the doors opened... "Why did Evey wanna talk to that kid?" "They were talking to the top students? Masaru wanted to battle that guy?" "I wish I could talk to them..." The transfer students were able to take their seats next to each other, filling the last of the empty seats in the third row. [color=palegreen]"Hello and good morning, students! Good to have everyone here and on time. I am your homeroom teacher, Professor Floris Caprea. A pleasure to meet you all. Oh, I suppose I should introduce my pokemon too."[/color] She walked to the back of the room, fishing two pokeballs out from her coat as she did so. The capsules burst open with bright light that coalesced into the materialized monsters. One was a six foot tall blue-green bell type creature with arms and a totem like face. The other was a nearly ten feet tall brown green dinosaur with a long neck, leafy wings, and fruit growing from it's chin. [color=palegreen]"Ah yes, this is Nanabo and Bronza! My Tropius and Bronzong."[/color] Pokemon in class? Caprea flashed a thumbs up. [color=palegreen]"I know what you're thinking, no pokemon allowed indoors. But there are rooms and buildings designated for pokemon to be inside, and the Academic Wing is one of them. You are allowed to have one pokemon with you, and there is a size chart as some pokemon are too large to have in class, naturally. So be mindful of that."[/color] She indicated towards the size chart next to the classroom door. [color=palegreen]"You may let your pokemon out, but remember: no distractions. If they can play quietly, there's plenty of enrichment toys in the back of the class that they can pick from. If your pokemon can't behave, they need to go back inside their pokeball. I hope I won't have to enforce that rule, so make sure your pokemon are behaving!"[/color] Naturally, the next few minutes were filled with the trademark sounds of pokeballs opening, as the students rose and scraped their chairs against the floor. Even a first day at PMA allowed a little breathing room for the antsy students and pokemon, it seemed. The toy selection wasn't shabby either, ranging from chew toys to stuffed animals to complex puzzles, most pokemon would find plenty to entertain themselves with for homeroom hour. When they all settled down, it was quiet once more. The class seemed to feel a little more relaxed, thankfully. [color=palegreen]"Put your energy into listening and paying attention today. We’ll be going over your subjects and the school’s expectations, so you’ll understand how to succeed at this academy. I’m excited to teach such dedicated students. The fact that you're here means you have the opportunity to accomplish much in your career, but remember...”[/color] She walked towards the front of the desk and leaned back, facing the class. [color=palegreen]"It isn't the school or the curriculum that makes you excellent. It is your diligence and work ethic. At the end of the day, you have to pursue what you want."[/color] Her voice was firm, but agreeable. It wasn't Caprea's intention to disillusion anyone, but rather get them in the proper mindset. [color=palegreen]“That said, there’s a whole slew of things we’ve got to cover today, but I’d like us to start off with an ice breaker. You’ve had those before, right?”[/color] A murmur rippled through; a few students nodded, and Caprea nodded in return. [color=palegreen]“Right, so you have. Well, this one’s a fun one. It’s called Two Truths, and a Lie. Anyone ever heard of it before?”[/color] Caprea analyzed the sophomore scholars before her thoughtfully. Bellamy had briefed her on what had happened during the assembly earlier. [color=palegreen][i]Hm, it's going to be an interesting year.[/i][/color] Some students perked up, being familiar with the game while others still looked uncertain. Caprea continued, [color=palegreen]“you’re all going to write your names and three things about yourself on the piece of paper in front of you.”[/color] Caprea picked up an index card on her desk and showed it to the class. [color=palegreen]“Of those three things, two of them will be true, and one will be a lie. Now, there’s a couple of tips I want to give you. First, mix up the order of the things you are writing! That is, don’t have your lie be the last thing on your list. Second, try to make a statement about yourself. What you choose as truth and lie can tell you a lot about a person, no?"[/color] She chuckled. Though she was jovial, she was also issuing a challenge. Who would try to stand out? In the pokemon world, there was no coincidence that plenty of pokemon professionals knew how to market themselves, and PMA being the academy that it was, made it exceptionally difficult to stand out among such closely matched peers. Which of the students here knew how to be noticeable? Of course, she mused, there were also professionals who didn't need to go commercial. All the same, this was a small but powerful prompt that would help her glean some insight into their minds, regardless of whether they wanted to be flashy or not. [color=palegreen]"When you’re done, sit quietly and wait until everyone else is finished. I’ll be having you all come up to the front here-”[/color] she gestured in front of her desk. [color=palegreen]“To introduce yourself, and read your card. Then, the rest of us will try to figure out what the lie is. So!”[/color] She clapped her hands. [color=palegreen]“Let’s get started, shall we?”[/color] “Professor Caprea, are you gonna be doing this too? Two Truths and a Lie?” A student asked. [color=palegreen]“Nope, that’s just for you guys,”[/color] Caprea laughed. [color=palegreen]“And I'm not budging on that! Go on now, I’ll give you all 5 minutes to write something down. Come on!”[/color] There were the sounds of paper sheets being taken out, pens being clicked, chairs being scraped-- school was officially now in session. When the five minutes were up, Caprea called out a name. [color=palegreen]"Tim Wolfe, would you come up and introduce yourself?"[/color]