[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200220/ffa3af39087a97526859562dbebeccb2.png[/img][/center] [hider=Playing with Fire] After arriving at the Sinnenodel dorm, Maddie spent the time until her performance mentally running over the routine a few times. It was short but a lot of room for error. She wasn’t particularly skilled in it but with a little practice, she’d built a decent foundation from the few tricks she’d picked up from her overentusastic sister. It wasn’t incredibly embellished for that reason; flinging fire around when she wasn’t totally in control of it in a room of vampires was stressful enough. Lilie’s singing was beautiful and helped her relax a little at least. When she heard the polite applause, she stood, squared her shoulders, and did her best not to let it show how fast her heart was beating. Thankfully the performance went well. After she’d gotten some help filling up the basin of water she’d had placed at the edge of the room just in case, she’d lit the wick in the curve of the hook at the end of the blade and it caught fire instantly. She ignored the room and focused on the movements, spinning it quickly and efficiently, steps calm and composed. The longest she could go without setting off the fire alarm was one minute and at the end of it, she almost messed up with her haste in putting out the fire. She nearly missed the handle of her focus, managing to grab it at the last second, and she felt the relief rush with the magic flowing into her palm and pulsing green in her veins. She ran her hand and the handle of the focus down the burning blade, pushing the fire away and away until she pinched the flame away and let the last of it rise from her outstretched palm, revealing not a single bit of singed skin. She stored away the weapon and her knife, bowed, and took her exit faster than she probably should have.[/hider] Stepping away from the group of nobles was a breath of relief. Expect for Ari, they all looked like they would snap a mage in two for looking at them the wrong way. It was more pressure than she was interested in bearing and she was pleased they got to relax with each other afterwards. She’d spent some time with Aaron and Lilie already but the other two were mostly new to her. She’d made note of Salem Spellman back at the practical and the other she only knew as Eris Samael’s mage because someone pointed him out in passing. The second one surprised her. She’d expected only nobles and while Eris was certainly a prominent figure in entertainment, she hadn’t realized he was connected enough to be invited to an Sinnenodel event organized by the hair of the family himself. No one else had been surprised so she guessed she was just out of the loop. Hopefully, tonight would fix that a little bit. [color=FC8686]“I haven’t had the opportunity to meet half of you actually. My name’s Madalyn Vazquez. I only came in after the Revel.”[/color] Maddie introduced herself. [color=FC8686] “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Hopefully, we’ll get a chance to see each other more often.”[/color]