[center] [img]https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f2f8e57b120ecec27b607e5cc3f694e8[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xx1MjhzKcYw&ab_channel=SOAKINGINHISPRESENCEInstrumentalWorship](Mood Music)[/url] [h1][color=lightgoldenrodyellow][b][u]Tranquility[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [/center] [color=gray] Auriel was quiet for a time, her thoughts roiling around in her head after hearing Cole call her and Fer a pain in his arse. She was worried that maybe she had overstepped her boundaries as a follower. Auriel didn't mean to nag or be overly critical, she simply wanted to ensure they had the best chance at coming out of the fight ahead with their heads high. She didn't know much about their lives before coming to her world, but she didn't think they could have seen how baser instincts come out when survival is in question. Auriel worried, and that made her want to dote on the fledgling heroes. She didn't want either of them to fall in the same pit of depression that she had when her wings were crippled in battle. The words Cole had spoken about needing to be less glamorous than the tales worried her. She had never strayed from her convictions and she had thrived on the battlefield. Then again... Auriel's only enemy had only ever been forces of pure evil. It was easy to become enveloped in a conflict of black and white when the only thing the other side wanted to do was kill, raze, and pillage. After taking a deep breath, Auriel opted to step well enough away to give them the space to formulate their own plans. She would be a fly on the wall, hoping that they would appreciate the autonomy. Her eyes first studied the farmer. [i]Poor man...[/i] she thought. He looked to be living here on his own, working his fields alone while his age caught up to him. If the bandits came this way, he'd be helpless. She was relieved to hear that he at least was expecting a grandchild, which meant that he had a child somewhere to continue his legacy and come to the far to help if he needed it. But they weren't there now, so it was good she and the heroes were. Auriel didn't want another defenseless soul lost to madness that spread around the world as the waves drew near. While Fer and Cole planned, Auriel took her time to walk around the farmstead. It was so peaceful, so beautiful and serene. The land was nothing like around Melromarc where people were everywhere and moving in every direction. The light breeze of wind rustled the leaves around her and made the flowers and tall grass blow and bob. Bandits would sack this place... They wouldn't care about the vibrance of life around it or the bounty that it provided to less fortunate souls. The Orphanage received food from places like this. She had a fond memory of walking through similar fields with her mother, helping in a harvest to prepare a glorious meal for a boy's nameday. She was too young to understand the significance of such a place. But now things made more sense. The value of such a tranquil, fertile place would be magnified after the first wave and beyond. It didn't take long for Auriel to forget about the stern words from Cole as she walked about the place. Being here made her feel better about being stuck on the ground. She'd be happy in a place like this someday after the waves... If there were going to be any left standing in the aftermath... Auriel heard the distinct noise of a barking dog. She turned around and saw a shaggy dog chasing off a racoon. It made her smile that the old man wasn't truly alone. After the thief was ran off, Auriel made her way over to the dog and knelt down next to it, running her hand over the shaggy fur that covered its eyes. It panted and wagged its tail while running its wet nose over her arm to catch her scent. Auriel could never explain why animals were so friendly with her. She always figured that maybe it was the same energy in her touch that cured wounds which calmed beasts. Perhaps it was a deeper calmness inside of Auriel that animals could sense. Nevertheless, Auriel rarely had a bad encounter with animals, and that made her happy. She patted the dog on the head and stood back up, deciding it was time to return to her heroes and see what they had in mind for a plan. She was about to round the corner of the house when she overheard Fer's suggestion for Auriel to flank them. She stopped before coming around the corner and listened in for a while longer. She didn't want her return to stifle their thought process. She leaned back against the brickwork of the house and stared up at the sky, her eyes tracing alone a lone white cloud. She could flank, though she wasn't sure how low profile she would remain with her great white wings. If only she could fly and strike from above. Maybe they thought she could do that, after all she still hadn't told them that she hasn't been able to take flight for months... The only hero who knew that was the spear hero, and he was long gone into the world now. She wondered where he was and what he was doing. Is he safe? Did he ever learn how to properly wield his spear? If only she was able to mentor him in its use before he left. Her thoughts returned when she overheard Fer ask about setting traps for the bandits. She didn't personally believe in traps, she always worried that they'd never be sprung, forgotten about, and left for an innocent soul to happen upon them. But she wasn't about to speak against the decision now, she had done plenty of that already. Too much intervention wouldn't be good for the heroes. She would just have to remember to dismantle the traps after they were done with the fight. The afternoon was soon going to be transitioning into the evening. And if the bandits were smart, they'd strike at dusk when the farmers would be starting to go to ground for the night. It wouldn't be long now. A fight was upon them, and they had precious little time to take enact the plans. Now was the time for Auriel to get the two focused. No more figuring things out, they needed to get themselves set up. She pushed herself from the wall of the farmhouse and came around the corner, looking to the two with a serious expression. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow][b]"We're running short on time, you two. The more we talk, the less prepared we will be when Rayla arrives."[/b][/color] She looked to the farmer and bowed her head, [color=lightgoldenrodyellow][b]"You have my word that your beautiful home will not be harmed, sir. Please, barricade yourself in your home and find something to defend yourself should the worst happen."[/b][/color] [/color]