[@Shiyonichi][@Silverwind Blade] [color=00aeef]"A pleasure 'Richie'. Strange they'd give a mercenary access to a Strike Model. I don't even recognize the thing with that build. Call me Black Star until we can get further acquainted. The Captain would probably like to have a word with you. If you got nothing to hide we're more than willing to help a fellow soldier."[/color] Paul stated as he lowered his rifle. He looked around, and on his radar popped up another mobile suit fast approaching. [color=00aeef]"Do we have a reading on the approaching unit? Does it have an OMNI Code, or a ZAFT?[/color]" Paul questions but the crew could not confirm a positive reading on the approaching Unit. He turns Raigo to look at the sky he had his main camera close into identify the other target. [b]"Should we take him Lieutenant?"[/b] questioned Beta Leader where Paul shook his head. [color=00aeef]"No. Not until he proves himself to be a hostile. The chance of damage to the Sundown is risky but starting an unnecessary fight here would be fatal."[/color] Paul comments as he waits for the approaching unit to land when it does it identifies itself as a member of the Earth Federation as well...strange coincidences...was the Federation behind this? [color=00aeef]"I am a part of OMNI Enforcer under the Earth Federation Government. Gundam Pilot Lieutenant Black Star is my code name. I am second in command of that ship the Sundown is its designation. Its a super carrier made specifically to destroy Extremist groups, or to serve as a frontline operation base. Its basically a mobile fortress. Location...China? But I doubt it is actually China I was in space when I vanished a long way from the Earth Sphere. I'm inquiring that these two follow me aboard will you also comply?"[/color] Paul stated as shifted his shield protectively in front of him just in case.